My bestfriend introduced me to her ex-boyfriend/ good guy friend last week and now me and him talk on a near regualr basis. my friend asked me to send her all of our convos so she could read them and see if it was similar to her relationship with him. She said she was over him but i still feel extremely guilty knowing that i;m talking with him and he's trying to ask me out andd/or be my friend.
i enjoy talking to him, he's interesting and funny but i don't want to hurt my friend even tho we're on good terms right now she always asks me questions that make me feel that if i ever agreed to be more than half friends half aquantices with him she'd be really really hurt.
She may say she's over him, but clearly she is not.
Refer her to the posts or the link in
>asked me to send her all of our convos so she could read them and see if it was similar to her relationship with him
Who does that sort of stuff?!
Your best friend is a freak and has no life.
She also has stalker-ish characteristics, over-protective, immature, doesn't know the meaning of privacy, and still has the hots for her ex.