Mission: From geek to cool boy/heartbraker (28)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-27 16:59 ID:7F6gDcUB

So much free time and the desire to change myself had made me start a plan to change from geek to a cool boy/heartbraker.

I am the normal computer guy that also like manga and video games, recently that changed a bit and I decided that would be so interesting if I try to experiment a change in myself.

My female friends said that I'm good looking and good to talk boy, but they aren't from the same country that me, apart from them almost no one think the same, so I started thinking in changing my way of dress, way of interact with people and other things, enough to make the change happen.

I have some sense of style, so started buying new clothes to change my way of dress. Also I will start going to the gym the next month to change my geek body for a more desirable one.

That part is more or less covered, but I need help in the social interacting part. I'm a very shy boy, and don't know what to talk about when I'm with strange people. The lastest digg new? The new anime of the season? People isn't interested in that kind of things usually. So, how should I approach to people and interact with them?

The target is be a geek only in home, and a cool boy outside with people and good company for girls.

I know I can, only need a bit of help and advices. Please, help me 4-ch!

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