Mission: From geek to cool boy/heartbraker (28)

14 Name: OP : 2007-06-29 16:39 ID:Heaven

>>2, >>4 Where then?

>>5 I know that I should broad my interests, and I'm working on that, reading books of authors I don't usually read, looking non geek sites, and I started learning to play some musical instruments. Any other idea?

>>6 I don't want to change my entire personality, only somethings like my way of interact with other people.

>>10 LOL

>>11 Being myself isn't enough, I said I has changed a bit my way of dress and I'm working on my body, not only to look good, but because is good for me. Right now I will not meet almost any girl, so better if I meet some ones, if they are slut or anything we can be friends anyway, I'm not specifically searching a girlfriend.

>>12 Yes, but not after eight years of friendship with some of them.

>>13 That is, develop my personality and my social skills. I know it will be hard but I'm working on it.

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