Perplexed (13)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-12 18:50 ID:ZA0kWPT0

I can't quite put how I feel into words, but I have to try, just to get it off my chest. I feel indifferent to the fact that I am 18 and I feel I cannot interact properly with women: my friends, some of whom I secret loathe, mainly tell say "shut up, you need to get yer hole", to which I simply mumble some non-commital reply. I genuinely don't care that much, but it still puzzles me as to why no woman/girl/whatever has ever shown me any affection. I am not particularly ugly, I am intelligent, fairly well-off, fit and I am entering a highly-regarded course at good university soon. Do I not have any potential to interact? I can make women laugh, I can have conversations with them about anything and I treat them as equals (unlike meine Freunden).

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