Sleeping problem (9)

1 Name: Notsosleepy : 2007-07-17 10:51 ID:N6NX7ulw

Hey guys, I gotta ask. Do I have a problem? I seem to stay up all the way to 5-6 am lately. It's not that I want to. Infact, I try to go to bed earlier, however. Everytime I 'try' I end up going to bed around the same time or later. It's almost 6 right now.
I always seem to procrastinate on the internet or tv or something. I try not too but then my mind wanders and then before I know it, it's later than I thought. And It's much later than I had planned to go to bed.

Take today for example. I wanted to go to bed at 4am, however, I somehow got distracted and it was 5:30 when I realized the time.

What do I do? Whats wrong with me? I'd like to think it's just simple procrastination. But I can't fight this with my will power.

2 Name: Mailorder : 2007-07-17 13:58 ID:Be+mT4N1

Start going to bed at 5:00. Once you can do that, work back to 4:30. Then 4:00. Just as most people slowly escalate to staying up later and later, you can slowly adjust yourself to going to bed earlier.

3 Name: Notsosleepy : 2007-07-17 19:23 ID:N6NX7ulw

Yea, tried that. Schedules mean shit to me. The problem isn't that I can't fall asleep(Although it may indeed be part of it.) The problem is that I often times ignore what my body tells me about it being tired and sleepy. It's getting really annoying, I'm gonna try one more time to go to sleep earlier than before. Hopefully, I won't get distracted and lost time again.

4 Name: Mailorder : 2007-07-17 22:09 ID:Be+mT4N1

Also try staying awake a whole day to be tired enough to sleep at the time you want. I also did that. Of course, I cheated by taking my Adderall and drinking caffeine to stay up. But yep.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-18 18:22 ID:0aGVHF/C

Just work 3rd shift. Now being nocturnal isn't a problem, it's a career!

6 Name: Notsosleepy : 2007-07-19 10:11 ID:N6NX7ulw

bleh, I've thought about 3rd shift. But I doubt it. I really wanna solve me sleep problem. Though. Infact, It's already 5am now. It seems like I'm most active before I go to sleep though. It's really annoying.

Since it's 5, I'm going to try to sleep now instead of just suddenly realizing it's six when I type on the computer.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-19 20:38 ID:U6/C+74S

> I always seem to procrastinate on the internet or tv or something. I try not too but then my mind wanders and then before I know it, it's later than I thought. And It's much later than I had planned to go to bed.

Put your foot down and turn it off right when you feel sleepy; don't say to yourself "right after this show is over" or "right after I finish reading or replying to this thread", just stop everything and sleep. This may not be a problem yet, but it could become one.

Getting enough tryptophan? Taking L-Tryptophan as a supplement left me so tired I couldn't stay awake even if I wanted to!

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