anyone else annoys with the japanese club you have at school? (37)

25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-17 16:51 ID:HJjlgXLC

I like Japan and all, but I wouldn't call myself an anime nerd.

I mean, I've never watched any of those Shounen animes like DBZ, or Full-metal alchemist, or one-piece, or bleach,naruto, death-note.

I've just watched a few.
Like I like Suzumiya Haruhi no Yutsu, Lucky Star, Azumanga Daiou, ichigo mashimaro, miyazaki, takahata, otomo, kon satoshi, ichigo mashimaro, MindGame, EVA, KareKano.

You know, stuff like that. I'm not an anime nerd. My initial interest in Japan was in its history, like in Kurosawa films. I was a big Kurosawa fan, but I'm such a crappy fan, I haven't even watched all his movies yet.

So anyway, it's good to be a Japan nerd first and an anime nerd second in these sorts of things, since most anime is pretty stupid anyway.

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