Eating out (food, you sicko!) (16)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-26 01:17 ID:uFo++kdW


>Most women love to hear themselves talk, just keep her yapping and you're home free.

Oh really? I've never noticed that about girls. She is sort of talkative, but I'd still like to contribute to the conversation. Can you give me some suggestions?

>Ask open-ended questions (not about past relationships or anything taboo), not anything that can be answered 'Yes' or 'No'. Don't talk about anything too masculine or geeky. Start off with small things, and go from there.

She's sort of a tomboy (cutie!) so I don't think there's as many taboo things as with other girls (or am I mistaken?).
And she's also kind of geeky. :P


>have money. spend it on her

Is that okay to do if we aren't going out? I'm still not sure about the status of the relationship. If she wants to strickly be friends, paying for dinner might be weird.


>Complementing her new jeans/haircut/shoes brightens the day of any girl I've met.

Will do. I'm pretty good at compliments, I suppose. And there's much to compliment her on : )

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