Annoying friend (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-24 03:08 ID:likYB8K2

I am a girl in college, and this past year I got to know a girl who was also living in the dorms. At first she was an awesome friend, we had fun hanging out. But then slowly she just became unbearable, like when we went to the mall she would always command that we went to her favorite stores, but when the rest of us wanted to go to a store we'd like, she'd grew impatient and alway rushed us to go. There are a lot more examples of how she became unbearable, and it's impossible to name them all.

I am just glad that this summer I got away from her. But as school is near again, I am really not looking forward to seeing her again. It'll be impossible to avoid her, and I am really bad at confrontation, so I really can't just tell her how I feel about her (although I really want to). How should I avoid her? Just not return her calls/ reply on myspace? It doesn't seem like a good idea. I am afraid she is going to ask me to pick her up from the airport too, because I'll be in the dorms already, but I really really don't want any contact with her anymore.

I'm really confused so any help would be great.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-24 03:12 ID:likYB8K2

Or should I just keep on saying I'm busy when she wants to hang out?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-24 03:46 ID:lPIOY0IJ

Ignore calls, make up excuses, she'll get the hint eventually

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-24 04:14 ID:HL9UNSAt

Be blunt to her, completely honest. Would you feel good knowing that you lied to her, even if she is who she is? You may dislike her, but that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve being respected.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-24 04:32 ID:byIR8M+d

Take the high road, and try to explain to her how her behavior affects others and their feelings toward her. With some tact and empathy, you could get that awesome friend back. If not, you can both move on and she'll at least know why you de-friended her on myspace and stopped returning her calls (avoiding some ugly confrontation).

6 Name: 43 : 2007-07-24 21:46 ID:OvAoZ4QQ



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