Acne? (30)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-27 00:54 ID:qA8+B+cT

have you tried perscription drugs? it depends how resistant your acne is, but if its really immune to safer drugs, the last thing you can use is roaccutane (sp?). its nasty with quite a few side effects but it'll definetly clear it up. beware that roaccutane can cause birth defects if you are pregnent while using AND after for a few months?<(not too sure about how long but def a period after, due to redidual effect that keeps working after you stop taking it, other side effects like dry skin also stay albeit to a much lesser extent), dries out skin terribly, skin becomes very sensitive to sun and so on. Some studies show it can also cause depression. This drug really is a last resort and won't be perscribed untill most other drugs have been tried first. You'll obviously need to see a doctor about this, and they'll start you on weaker kinds of drugs first which might work and let you avoid roaccutane. Also, the stuff like clearasil, proactive and some creams you might be perscribed if you see a doctor contain benzil peroxide (the stuff thats suppossed to work) and if one product failed to work with B.P in it, you could pretty much rule out all the daily cleansers and other B.P based stuff. (Most of the facewash products really). Try the perscription-only B.P cream, as its more concentrated then what you can buy elsewhere and might just work. Sorry if you knew any of this already and hope it helps!

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