well i heard of that guy who had a 2.2 gpa and hes going to be a junior well i have a 2.034 gpa how do you like that. im not impressed at getting that low of a grade, but i have motivation its just that in college i only get C in all my classes and when i fail or get a D+ in a class or D in another class it brings my gpa way way down. So im like okay now im at the breaking point i either have to stop all distraction get help at tourtring or just study like 3 hours a day so i can get A on my test or drop out and go to a community college and start over again. But for me i think i do have motiavation and a passion for what i want to do i just have to get rid of distraction incuding this forum and every forum i go on to and watching anime and watching movies when i should be doing my homework and studying my but off so i know for me im going to study as soon as i get my books and on the first day of class make a gooo good first impression to the teacher. so yeah i will make it
...Where's the question?
Also, no one keeps resolutions like that; "im going to study as soon as i get my books".
Study as soon as you get out of class, or as soon as you have free time. Just review your notes, for at least 15 minutes or so, or however long it takes to read them once. That should be a crucial resolution. I tried that whole "I'll study when I..." but I spent more effort into making those 'when I's' than actually studying.
tl-dr; Stop telling yourself you'll do it later and do it now.
Also, if things are distracting you, stop doing them. You need to keep focus on school and just that. That is what really matters and will help get you a job when you really need one. IF you like spending time at this place and other places then do those things when you have free time. Make a schedule and plan out everything where school comes first then work then other things. Get a scheduling book. I am actually thinking about doing that myself because it helped me in high school.
College is so easy....stop being a screw up
Great coming from a guy who calls him self great thief...
but I agree with stop screwing up
You can also drop out and go to community college to bring back up your gpa and transfer from community college to a university with a associates degree
I have not read OP' post (too lazy).
But there are some options:
Either you failed because mostly of your own fault.
Then you can do better, if not well you have to accept it.
If you gave your best and don't accept it, you will have to do suicide as a rational consequence.
Otherwise you will live an pathetic live.
It is ok if you want this.
So i hope you haven't used your max. potential yet.
Otherwise you know what to do..... and i know what i will do soon.
Hey I graduated college with 2.91 GPA. Fuck it. I have always been a C student.