idiot brother (4)

1 Name: Eric Cartman : 2007-08-04 06:04 ID:fS0asiqL

Yeah okay so I'm a confident, playful early twenties guy. from time to time I see my brother, who's in his late thirties. a bit of a spineless guy, apologizing for nothing and he has to have everyone to like him. usually he's decent enough but sometimes I say even the slightest, joke like saying so-and-so looks like Wayne Brady, or simply asserting myself to not put with crap from other people and he actually gets pissed off. the other day I disagreed with him on how a fucking word was pronounced and continued to use it my way and he stormed out when we were watching tv together, saying that I liked annoying him.

I called him on his bullshit and we still watched the tv show. when I asked him if he wanted to see anymore, he said, "it's up to me," instead of giving me a straight yes or no answer. so we continued watching and he still continued to act passive aggressive. I asked him if he was okay and he said he was but I could tell he wasn't. he does this shit all the time, expressing anger on some of my beliefs and acting sullen just because I correct him on the slightest thing. this is the type of guy that places his personal worth on a collection of Morning Musume videos he has, honest to God, when I corrected him that he doesn't have all of the videos he flew into a rage and started calling me arrogant and all over him and whatnot.

obviously this pathetic idiocy can't continue. sooooo the question is, how do I deal with him? I don't want to come off as too harsh or he might literally become some suicidal emofreak because he's terribly fragile, not to mention despite these latest mood swings of his that we've had some fun times together prior to all this, but on the other hand I definitely can't stay sane with all of this.


2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-04 10:36 ID:Heaven

well since you only have to deal with him on the times that you visit i wouldnt worry too much
on the occassions that you do visit him and feel the need to correct him i suggest to:
always remain calm
explain to him the reasons you feel the need to correct him, in depth
show that you understand his perspective completely, by describing it in detail
tell him you're bored and this argument provides interesting conversation

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-06 15:00 ID:Heaven


4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-14 14:08 ID:Heaven

Sounds to me like he's an irritating passive-aggressive and you're a total asshole. You two should hang out more.

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