/btard (31)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 09:46 ID:bDnnbYTU

My pathetic confessions:

  • I have spent $400 at a strip club, just to have a woman slow dance with me for 30 minutes. Why? There is no other way I could get a woman in my arms.
  • When I was 16, I had an 'e-relationship' with a girl. I gave her a fake picture of myself because I'm ugly as shit. We had phone sex, a lot. When she wanted to meet me, I got a new number.
  • Whenever I sit next to a hot female on a plane, I pretend to be asleep and rub my leg creepily on hers
  • For the last four years (I'm 19 now) I've been telling my parents that I go out on the weekends. They would give me money (in HS), and I would use it to buy cigarettes (when I turned 17). Otherwise, I would just buy gas and drive around town.
  • Outside my dorm room, girls like to sunbathe (texas FTW). Once, I turned off the lights, lowered the blinds, and fapped to them. (I'm on the 4th story)
  • In high school, I would eat alone in the bathroom. I would go to one of the bathrooms that locks fully, strip naked, eat on the toilet, dance around/do fucking weird martial arts, lay down on the floor with my bare ass on the cold tile, fap, clean up, then peer under the crack of the door
  • Sometimes I call random numbers just to talk to someone. Even saying 'oh sorry, I got the wrong number' is quite a bit of human contact for me.
  • I go to movies by myself, in a theater a few towns over so nobody I know sees me.
  • When I was 16, I went to a psychologist. I lied to him, never told him the truth, and just pissed around. I could have got help, but all I did was lie because it was so much easier.
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