How to tell if you have cancer? (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-06 17:10 ID:CJGNuw6N

I think I may have a lump of skin cancer on the back f my neck. There's a semi-hard bump there, and it dosn't feel like a wart. Is there any sure-fire way to tell if you have skin cancer? I don't want to stress my folks out with it if it turns out to be nothing. They're going through enough right now as it is.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-06 19:51 ID:IsD244Jn

Honestly? Go see a dermatologist. They can usually remove these things with a relatively simple procedure and test it in a lab later.

3 Post deleted.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-13 18:57 ID:ICS/xHcj

>I don't want to stress my folks out with it if it turns out to be nothing. They're going through enough right now as it is

Surely it's going to stress them out even more when they find out you have advanced-stage cancer because you didn't want to get it checked out when it was still treatable.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-14 00:13 ID:JEkdmLqf


I have a semi-hard lump on on the side/back of my head, about two inches behind my ear. It's not visible to the eye, you only feel it. No pain, it doesn't hurt, nothing. I had it checked 2 years ago, they told me it was a swollen lymph node and not a tumor or anything cancerous.

I'll probably see a doctor again this year, because it's still there. Just making sure.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-14 04:35 ID:jW9LFQon

I have one of those, which swelled for a couple days and is now going down. I popped it once. Just a large zit.

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