How do you be more social and make more new friends? (14)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-26 14:22 ID:f84kbPw2

I had this same sort of problem but after joining a local Animé Club I've found myself getting out of the house more than I ever have before. I'm still not outgoing around them yet (even after 6 months of being in club now) but I am finding myself invited to a lot of parties and events thaht I would never of been invited to before.

Not only that but I have also joined a Bushido Academy that lets me build up confidence while strengthing my mind and body. I've been doing this for 7 months now and I have seen a lot of improvement in both mentioned attributes.

Also lately I've started to initiate conversation with people such as store clerks.
I'm also coming close to asking a girl out for the first time!

Doing all of this about two years ago would of seemed impossible to me. I attended a college where I spent my entire year there in almost complete silence. I think I had a total of 5 to 10 times where somebody talked to me all year. I was too shy to even pay for my own goods in stores or buy my own bus ticket. All of which seem totally pathetic to me now but back then seemed like a monumental challenge. My only group of friends were online and in other countries so I couldn't meet up with them even if I wanted to.

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