stress and depression are my two new best friends... (17)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-12 14:34 ID:1i4fwdEM

Over time, I've slowly become something of a hikkikomori. However, I'm still young and have plenty of opportunity to turn my life around. The only problem is that I can't seem to find any motivation in doing so other than feeling less shameful and depressed. I can take care of those issues in the short term by focusing my mind solely on my hobbies (anime, etc.) so I don't feel the pressing need to change my situation. I do know that the longer I wait, the worse the situation will become. Yet whenever I consider or attempt to do something to turn my life around in the long run (such as going back to college), I feel paralyzed because I can't make myself want to change things. The way that things are now, my living expenses are covered by my Dad, thus there isn't an urgent need to go out and find a job either.

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