Wish me luck, peoples? (56)

1 Name: fat otaku chick : 2007-08-18 06:55 ID:gzTIcZaV

I, a somewhat typical example of a losery female otaku, have vowed to make myself cute and get a life.
The situation right now is pretty terrible. I'm seriously overweight, have no friends, no job, doing nothing with my life what-so-ever. And I live with my mum. I'm basicaly a hikki, sitting in my room, watching anime, reading manga, and doing other nerdy things all day ad night long.
I have many issues. I'm socialy incompetent. I used to be hot, but then I got depressed and became fat and nerdy.
I don't like this!!!!
So, I am working hard to change for the better. I've started exercising, cut the crap out of my diet, fixed my hair. So far i've lost a couple of kilos, but there's a long way to go before i'll be hot again.
In october, i'll sart a university preparation course which will help get me out of the house, but until then, i'm not sure what to do other than sit in my room, go for walks now and then.
I have no idea how i'll go about making new friends... but once im pretty again, i figure it should be do-able.
I'm an artist, so i've started doing sell-able paintings to make a bit of money, but it's hardly a suitable source of income and i have no qualifications...
If anyone can offer any sort of advice, or just wish me luck, it would be much appreciated!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-18 09:25 ID:HwEmZ0Y6

people who would befriend you for your looks aren't real friends, you don't need them. start befriending now and you'll meet real friends, do it later as a hot chick and you'll meet assholes. if not, stay away from people, the internet is all you'll need. best of luck then.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-18 09:58 ID:aQUR9Dtl

Speaks truth. I used to be a very plain looking girl, getting little attention from guys. But after a image makeover, they started to notice me. Within a month, one of them confessed. My gut feeling was that this guy only liked me after I changed my image. Turns out I was right. He was a vain jerk that dared to call my friends ugly in front of me. I seriously regret not shaking him off earlier.

4 Name: fat otaku chick : 2007-08-18 15:19 ID:bYXxPZRc

op here. >>2 and >>3, yeah, i know...the problem isn't that I think people won't want to be my friend because i'm not pretty enough, it's more that I feel really uncomfortable socialising much when I don't look hot... when i feel pretty, i find it much easier to get over my horrible shyness and get to know new people. Thankfully, i'm good at picking out those who try to befriend others for their looks, so that shouldn't be a problem.
As for guys, i'm not even going to bother starting to look yet. It's just too rare to find a guy who isn't totaly gross that would be happy to go out with a fat chick. Besides, I wouldn't be very comfortable being with a guy when i'm so unhappy with my body.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-18 15:30 ID:8D1jB8qD


6 Name: Hotaru : 2007-08-18 19:47 ID:B+DOws4q

Find some friends before you get hot. :) It's simple! I am fat and unatractive (In my opinion) and I have plenty of friends! You just have to meet 1 friend whom has the same interests as you (I got an otaku) and then meet their friends and become friends with them.

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