Wish me luck, peoples? (56)

25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-27 15:00 ID:lnKOrvXx


Sorry, that "trying" is the mainreason why there a so many OTAKUS etc.!


Fact is she is fat and not beautiful.

Yeah she tries, that is one good point.
But it won't change in the end.

Just keep living in your dreams.

When you are born disabled.

What can you do then? Try? Try what? You are just inferior, nothing more.


Face the facts or just die.

This is drastically exxpressed, but if you can't do it then you will live on pathethically dreaming how it would be if you are an other person etc. etc.

Well also counting the fact that on earth there is an OVERPOPULATION of people it won't harm that more people die, no the contrary!

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