Wish me luck, peoples? (56)

36 Name: fat otaku chick : 2007-08-30 08:33 ID:yR0Oc8tB

>>35 Rather than weightloss, my actual goal is to be attractive and have a life. Part of my current unhappiness is caused by my un-attractivness, unhealthiness and lack of a life, so, when i've acheived that, i will be somewhat happier.

The weightloss is an essential part of making myself attractive and healthy, and will help my confidence in gettng a life, which is my reason for it.

I'd definitely like to make some friends at any time, whether i'm fat or skinny... the problem is meeting people i'd like to be friends with. I expect it will take longer than actualy losing weight etc will- even amongst my fellow weirdos in these parts, i've always found it difficult to find people i can relate to, have fun with etc. I suppose when i start uni, am out and about more instead of at home, i'll have more chances to get to know new people, I don't really know what else i can do...

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