Wish me luck, peoples? (56)

41 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-03 17:23 ID:k98mr1qN

I can sympathize with you here. I'm not exactly fat, but I am terribly out of shape. I have very few friends (most of whom live several provinces, or even countries, away) and I don't have a job. I feel like a leech most of the time, living off my parents' income. But I've promised myself that by the end of this year I'm going to pull out of this slump. I'm going out every day, just forcing myself to interact with other humans. Going to parties, even if I don't really feel like it, just so I can talk to people. And I mess up (allot!) when talking to people, but they don't seem to mind. At worst they'll tell me they're not interested in what I'm talking about. At best, I find a new friend interested in the same things I am.

Also, I'm starting to work out more and I'm working on a better diet (although it seems pretty hard to eat healthy these days!)

Oh, and a job, too. I need one of those.
So, yeah. I guess we're in this together. You have all my sympathy and support on this.

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