Wish me luck, peoples? (56)

52 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-11 20:20 ID:m/jzdNTv

Couple pointers:

Lose weight not so you look better, but so you're healthier. Too often people lose TOO much weight trying to get their look, and end up making themselves even worse off then before.

Try to cut soda and all that stuff completely from your diet for awhile, until you're able to consume that in moderation. And then, drink NORMAL coke, instead of diet coke (or any variations or other products). Aspartame is not your friend.

You're not a hikki since you desire interaction with other people. hikki's have some mental social problems (srslyUguyz) that inhibit their social interaction.

Some of us are just awkward in social situations, but it can be rectified (I use to be nearly 100% anti social during high school, but decided to shape up, and now I have nearly no problems -- except talking with complete strangers, I sometimes get the 100-yard look in my eyes).

Also, I personally don't believe you can make yourself cute. You can look the part, but inside, you know you really won't be ;p

You should find who you are as a person, come to accept it, and nothing can ever bring you down from your happiness then.

Trust me, I'm anon ;p

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