Worried about college. (19)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-06 23:47 ID:xq7+rQE4

This year I am a senior in highschool, and now is the time when everyone's putting on extra pressure about college. I'm the first person in my family to even plan to go to college, so none of them know how to help me, or have any personal advice to give me, and my school counselors are generally unhelpful. So I'm coming here, since alot of you I assume are college-age people who could give advice.

(If anyone here is from California, I'm thinking of maybe going to Channel Islands University, and if I move, SF State. For 2-years I am thinking of Oxnard College or Ventura College.)

Things I am wondering about:

  • Is it best to go straight to a 4-year university, or to go to a 2-year college and then move on to a 4-year? Does it matter? Does it depend on the person? What are your general thoughts on this?
  • I kind of want to be an English as a Second Language teacher (Spanish-English). What are some things I should know when it comes to being a teacher and getting teaching degrees?
  • How important will math be? I am not taking Calculus this year, or any math, which one of the counselors at school keeps telling me I need to (not for credit, just for college applications). Is this going to kill me? Can't I just take it in college? I'm confused!

Any general tips or comments you have are welcome, and I will probably think of more questions later...

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