I have a test in 8 hours (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-21 04:53 ID:6c+Xn5wi

I have a java test in 8 hours in college, so I need to wake up in 6 hours

I thinks it's normal to sleep 6 hours and wakeup with the clock's alarm, but yesterday I shoot down the alarm while still sleeping after 6 hours of sleep, so what can I do to sleep only 5-6 hours and wakeup, maybe to sleep in a chair? or something like that?

2 Name: Ahiko : 2007-09-21 04:56 ID:nhFUJgRX

Before you go to sleep, keep thinking in your mind the time that you want to wake up. :)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-21 05:06 ID:/FDu//8L

You might have to train your body to get accustomed to the timing of your sleeping habit.. You can try sleeping and waking up at a fixed timing with an alarm clock for a month, after that your body should be able to wake up automatically.. =p

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-21 05:09 ID:6c+Xn5wi

OP here, I'm hungry, should I eat something before going to sleep?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-21 05:09 ID:6c+Xn5wi

OP here again, I dont have a mounth, I have 6 hours

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-21 12:10 ID:fMW0s/hB

Very, very light snack. Otherwise you'll have a bad sleep if you go to bed on a full stomach.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-21 12:11 ID:Heaven

Cancel that.

Sweet dreams.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-22 06:08 ID:6c+Xn5wi

OP here, my mom returned from her journey, and she waked me up.

thanks anyways ^^

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