my existence (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-25 03:30 ID:GyaRAUcV

With all the shutins and hikikomori otaku types here I thought my story is of interest. I was homeschooled from the age of 13 and am now 27 and never had any form of employment, live home etc.

I've considered going to a local community college, then seeing where that goes but with lots of reservations. First, at my age and due to my circumstances I am used to interacting with those older then me. Meaning I don't even know anyone my own age, So I don't have experience with people like what?, almost ten years younger?.

Second I was never able to learn much math due to being completely on my own in my studies. From what I understand, any four year degree, even if in the humanities has a math reqirement which presupposes hs level math ability.

So reasoning this out I can come to the conclusion that it would take a great deal of time at a community college just to completely learn hs math which is largely based upon years of memorization.
I have no problem with abstract thinking, symbolic logic and many aspects of math but this last point seems insurmountable.

My main interests are religio-historical-philosophical cultural subjects and film history. So even if i got a degree in one of these fields it would qualify me to what?, be a school teacher?
No thanks. I have come to the understanding that more often than not the world destroys you through no fault of your own.

I should just be an ascetic and renounce the corruption of the illusury, transient world of appearences.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-25 08:33 ID:Heaven

Pretty sure that's your own fault for not learning math. It's a pretty big deal holmes, all the cool kids are doing.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-25 08:39 ID:WXTTG5Zv

Your typical community college will take pretty much anyone who breathes, and give you placement exams in reading, math and writing. Depending on how you do on those, you will have the option of taking remedial coursework.

4 Name: Ham Sandwich : 2007-09-25 10:10 ID:haR2HiMu

Go to the college. Just do it, why are you caring so much about where it leads. It sounds to me that you have just outgrown your previous life and are looking to expand upon yourself. This life change could be the beginning of an infinite number of possibilites for yourself. Hell, my life geared me to do little more than art and psychology, not too much I can do with these things but I do them anyway knowing that im doing something for myself.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-25 14:43 ID:Heaven

College is more about meeting like minded people anyway. Look at Gainax - a bunch of art school kids who met up, dropped out, and formed a business. Or Microsoft - a bunch of school kids who met up, dropped out, and formed a business.

College dropouts are in, yo.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-25 16:13 ID:GyaRAUcV

It's just that sometimes I feel really ancient, although there are those alot older than me who went back to just seems late in the game.

My math experience and social skills in general would have been much better if not for being pulled from public school at 13.
There are cases of people being in a room into their forties, I may live home but at least get out now and then to go to town, can drive somewhat, go shopping and other activities.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-25 17:32 ID:Heaven

>>I should just be an ascetic and renounce the corruption of the illusury, transient world of appearences.

I lol'd

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-25 17:56 ID:LhUAsjno

I went to a school with no math requirement, it was an art school. You say you're interested in film history? Why not consider a film program?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-25 19:15 ID:FMTcZ3em

no offense but art school and a career in the arts is not secure at all and i would definitely not recommend that

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-25 20:47 ID:1p+hV1OZ

On the contrary, he (I'm assuming) could go to a trade school like Fullsail or Brooks and, although not completely granting job security, could learn the proper skill sets and be in a place with good job placement.

But, frankly, it sounds like OP is going for a more well-rounded education than the specialized one offered at an art school.

OP, you will receive placement exams that can put you in the commiserate class to your ability. More over, you may feel old but, especially at community colleges, you'll find a lot of older, non-traditional students seeking a career change or just supplementary education to what they've already received. No worries.

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