I know what I like but who am I? (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-01 06:12 ID:vNK3OmK6

I know what I like, but I really can't seem to fit in anywhere... my friends are not really close to me, and I only feel close to my girlfriend who lives on the other side of the planet. I visit her once a year. but I don't feel close enough to anyone to tell them who I really am, if I even knew. how can I know where to fit in? or am I stuck in keeping myself to myself?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-01 06:37 ID:IKsHelQw

It seems you are keeping your thoughts for you too much.

>my friends are not really close to me

Maybe you are not really close to your friends either.

>I only feel close to my girlfriend who lives on the other side of the planet. I visit her once a year

That relationship can't last. Get a girl closer to you and keep her as a friend.

3 Name: Akina : 2007-10-01 06:49 ID:law/zkbG

I have this EXCACT same problem. What I do is that I even my personality out so that way wherever I go I fit it. I act on one part of my personality depending on whom im with.


I hang out with Otakus becouse I like anime

I hang out with jocks becouse I like sports

I hang out with nerds cause I like computers/video games

I hang out with goths becouse I like the style and mood

get it?

You might be like me, and feel that you don't fit anywhere, but in reality you fit in more than 1 category.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-02 06:20 ID:law/zkbG

Just masterdebate :D

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-02 16:39 ID:L/fQZ6GA

thanks, I think I will do that... I can't break up with my girlfriend tho. we have been together for 2 years, and it is too hard, and we still talk to each other every day. should I try to find another temporary girl? or would that ruin things between me and my girlfriend? I know she is hanging ouit with other gys, but she never says they are more than friends. I know she is a good girl. I just have nowhere to express my feelings. especially my constant "ya ri te" feelings! you know, always feeling I want to have sex... but I must be loyal to my girlfriend, right?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-04 02:38 ID:law/zkbG

damn you and your hard questions!

I would hang out with girls more, get them to befriend you, so that way when/if you break up, you have a back up.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-04 14:12 ID:7LKtA8LC


> we have been together for 2 years, and it is too hard, and we still talk to each other every day.

So...that means you've seen each other a total of 2 whopping times?

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-04 19:13 ID:6SnCClc5

>>5 Sex her the fuck up you loser

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-05 15:22 ID:RKyuXnwb

Listen to >>2 !

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