Sometimes, I lie. I guess, thats what everybody does, sometimes truth needs a little bit of bending right?
But my problem is, at the end of the day, I often have a hard time to tell what actually is reality and what is the story I made up.
I don't know how that happens...but when I make up something, the story just keeps stuck in my head kind of.. developing. I imagine what the faces of the people involved would look like, how the would react, what they would most likely say - and then there comes the point where everything just seems so real.
Once it reached this point, I am ABSOLUTELY convienced this or that happened just the way I believe it did.
It's not that I'm telling lies all day or try to cover huge secrets or anything, just ..well.. some "white lies", you might call it, but still, it is very embarrassing when you get into a huge argument, acting to the best of your belief, and in the end it turns out it was just in your mind.
Sometimes I remember things incorrectly, I mix it up with films I saw, books I read.
Often I can't tell if I dreamt something or if it actually happened.
It's very confusing, annoying and I'm losing credibility. Anybody else here been in the same situation?
Oh and I'm not doing any drugs, if I did, I wouldn't be worried.
Embrace this talent. It's a key element to great politicians. You're white house material!
You'll have to do some drugs if you want to be President.
It's not just good for being a politician or a lawyer, it's also an essential skill for the practice of some kinds of magick. Do embrace it.
OP here.
Becoming President might be an option. But in fact I'd rather prefer to find a way to keep in touch with reality and not to completly lose it.
Being a habitual liar can get you into trouble, as I'm sure you have started to notice.
It probably started as a few little lies to get out of doings things or saying where you were. Or boasting to friends by making holidays greater and grander than they were, or family life so much more interesting than it is.
Firstly, how old are you? If you're young and still at school, that's great, you have a great chance at stopping. If you feel like you are about to lie/fabricate something, Stop yourself. Ask yourself, "does saying that actually make a difference? Or am I just going to make a fool of myself later when I forget the lie and trip myself up?"
Believe me, people won't care if you haven't read Harry Potter, but they will get pissed at you if you tell them you have. It makes them look like a fool/gulliable for believing you, so they'll stop hanging around you. Your life is just as boring as theirs.
If you can't stop lying, and you don't like it, and want to stop, I'd look at getting help from a psychologist or psychiatrist. Being a habitual liar with grandois delusions (cool name huh!) is serious, and if left unchecked can turn into a serious mental illness.
Didn't want to scare you, but if you are serious about it, you need to face it seriously.
I think I have a friend with this problem.
I usually catch him in all his lies, and the sad truth is, a lot of every day random stuff he tells me, I have a hard time of believing now.
You'll want to straighten yourself up and stop the lying, because people do know, and they don't appreciate it.
I had a friend like this. His main problem was that he had mental problems that made him feel inadequate, in combination with feeling stuck in a bad place. He was miserable with his life and didn't think the situation could genuinely be different. Once he took control of his life, he didn't have an as big need to lie, anymore. I don't know if this is like you. But might be worth thinking of.
Only reason I lie is to make things interesting. But I understand how it could develop into something bigger, so I'll stop. No big deal for me.
OP here.
>>6 I'm 20 and a full time student. Thanks for your advice, I'm taking this serious. I can see that it might cause me serious troubles.
I don't think I lie to make myself more interesting, it's more like I don't want anybody to get mad at me. For example last week, a friend of mine had a accident. Nothing too serious, but she has to stay in the hospital for a few days.
Last friday she wanted me to come, but I told her I hate hospitals. Which is the truth. She was kind of sad and asked me to visit her again and again , making me feel horrorible, because it really is a terrible thing to leave a friend alone just because of some stupid phobia, isn't it?
So I payed her a visit, warning her that I might have to leave, because hospitals make me feel sick (which is not true, I only get nervous and sad) and guess what happned after 10 or 15 a terrible headache, had problems breathing and finally left just to go home and feel sick for the rest of the day.
>>8 I'm not miserable, but feeling inadequate and insufficient is not unknown to me. I often don't know how to express my personal needs without hurting and/or annoying anyone.
Thanks everybody for taking me serious, you gave me some stuff to think about.