Every day or so I'll start to feel really depressed.
I never know what will cause my depression, little things can cause it.
Anybody else have random depression?
I do. I also find that one day I am full of laughs and the other day every little think can make me depressed.
It could be pathological depression or a hormonal imbalance (less likely). In any case my advice is:
"people treat you as you behave: if you behave as a victim they'll treat you as such"
Don't let self pity devour you. Also, exercise helps because it releases endorphins that make you feel good and being good at some sport improves you self esteem. Now cheer up emo chick/dude and I want you to eat the world tomorrow for there is nothing you cannot do!
I fucking hate all this "random" shit.
I can tell you exactly when I feel depressed. First thing in the morning and late in the evening. Like clockwork, every single day. Instead of being emo when you get hit with it, why not just be a fucking man, put on some violent music, and rage your way though it. No need to mess with this laughing and crying bullshit.
Random depression is what clinical depression is. You suddenly feel really down and sad and you have no idea why, and can't put your finger on the reason.
If you still feel crappy in 1 week, go see your GP and ask for something to help you. You shouldn't leave depression alone as it can get worse and turn into more things like social phobia and anxiety.
Being depressed doesn't make you emo, crying about and writing poetry does.
People get the winter blues. Seriously, it's an actual illness.
I do on occasion, and I don't mean like "sad" depressed, I mean like "why should I even get off the couch" depressed. I don't know if it's truly random or if something sets it off though, since I've never taken the time to keep an account of when it occurs. It pretty much goes away by the next day though (sleeping does wonders).