So, I have horrible dandruff. I use the dandruff shampoos and wash my hair every day, yet it is always there, and it is always very apparent, especially on my extremely dark-brown hair.
What do I do?
wear hats?
> I use the dandruff shampoos and wash my hair every day
Stop doing that, and see what happens?
Put streaks in your hair...if that is an option.
Less noticeable..
Try washing your hair every two days instead. You might just be drying out your scalp with all that washing.
Try not using the anti dandruff ones.
they didn't work for me so I tried other shampoos
Honestly, it might not be dandruff. It might BE the anti-dandruff shampoos. A lot of the time, shampoo will dry in your hair (especially if you use a lot like me, I tend to use hand-fulls), and it will flake out.
Head and Shoulders never worked for me, it actually seemed to get worse. I used Fructus or some crap like that, or that Pantene 2 in 1 and I was all good.
Washing your hair every single day is a bad thing, as others have said. Every other day is good, I guess.
Also, you might have a skin condition.
In Japan, my skin is absolutely perfect, but I have the worst skin in Australia, and inbetween in Canada.
Weather and your surroundings can effect you. Also your diet.
So if this problem persists, setup an appointment with a dermatologist or something.
Mind that there are different types of dandruff. Is yours small dry flakes, large greasy clumps, or what?
>large greasy clumps
Ew wtf? I think OP has small dry flakes. Large greasy clumps is just horrible hygiene.
change your shampoo every other week. I used to have the same problem until I changed my shampoo.