Another lacker of motivation... Is this a club around here? (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-17 21:25 ID:17Tnshfc

I'm really having a lack of motivation to do anything. I try and reason with myself in two ways: There's the one side of me that tries to explain why I should do all of my work and the other side that explains why I don't. The side that explains why I don't always tends to win.

The reason that I don't is simple: I spend seven and a half hours a day in school, and an hour on the commute (fuck cars, I'm British, and even if cars are the norm in America, I refuse to own or drive one). So, after more than eight hours away from home, the last thing I want to do is six hours of homework. They're basically trying to get me to simply eat and sleep. And that's all. I had this problem in high school, and it was rectified by this: My parents took away my computer, and I started taking courses I like. However, now, that is not an option. I have to all sorts of shit I don't want to, and so, I simply don't. What gives them the right to expect this from me?

I know that if I ever want to go anywhere in life, I have to start applying myself. If I don't, I'm going to end up like my father; fat, with a slight alcohol addiction, who lives for the moment that he can come home and play video games. So far, I'm actually pretty close to that, except that my reason for coming home is to eat.

I figured out that if I go to the library after school, or if I consume an immense amount of caffeine, I can get all of my work except the stuff that requires a computer. However, I'm hungry as fuck by the time school is over, and I rarely have enough money to pick up a snack to eat outside of the library, and I almost never have enough money for a lot of caffeine.

Another problem I am having is that one of the teachers has his own special and unique program that we are required to use. He programmed it himself, and I am too embarrassed to tell him that it is a piece of shit and I could have programmed something better than that in Python when I was 14. But the program isn't the real problem, once I start doing it, it's ok. The problem is, the program is Windows and Mac only, and I fucking HATE booting windows. My copy of windows is infested with bugs. Who knows, maybe they're built in to the program itself. And whenever I use it to do anything on the net, it seems to just get more viruses. And if that isn't bad enough, I just hate windows in general. I won't go into it, because basically every Linux user I've met eventually gets the same grievances against M$, but needless to say, my blood boils at the mere log in screen of Windows. So right now, I'm failing that class... 39%, actually.

So I'm wondering, how did you all get through this sort of thing? How should I? Any advice at all you can give me?

Oh, unrelated, but I think I'm getting carpel tunnel or something. Any advice for dealing with that?

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