Baldness... (18)

7 Name: BaldingOP!!2UPgi8SW : 2007-10-18 06:14 ID:7xJqQRxC

Will do.
I honestly think that my diet is just not balanced well. I will go to a doctor and get an analysis, and involve more fruits everyday.

How long do you think it will take for my hair to come back to normal? I took a picture of my head, and it seems that the top of my head is balding too. This is much more serious than I thought, and this means that I have to stop the Anabolic Diet, or add in 2 pieces of fruit everyday as well as vegetables every serving I can get.

Also, what do you think of this article?
Is it spot-on?

I do have a target weight, but it is still far from where I am right now.

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