moved out and breaking down (15)

1 Name: ureikun : 2007-10-23 09:16 ID:xO7afQp9

I recently moved out from my home around September and since I got here, I've been rather alone, not the "I do not have friends" alone. But, I am home sick, like I really miss my family and friends back home. I mean, I do have friends here.. but, really it's not the same.
Lately, I've been having break downs and crying my eyes out. It hurts. half of me is home sick, but I can't move back because back home there isn't any future for me... as in the job opportunities are absolutely horrible. At this very moment, I don't feel like wanting to live, I don't even care about myself, and I don't want to care about anything.

I'm still adjusting to living with other people and sharing things, being rather spoiled growing up, I have a hard time learning to do so. Anyways, If you read this, thanks for listening.

2 Name: Polemic!3pI2s8EqCA : 2007-10-23 09:23 ID:zCcojAI9

Don't worry; what you're going through is completely normal. Try to stay involved with your people back at home - drop them an e-mail every now and then, ask them to send pictures, talk to them on the phone whenever you get the chance - until you're ready to start concentrating on your own life again.

This is the hardest point for you right now, so just ride through it, know that your family and friends won't forget you for a second, and know that there's always something new to discover out in this world.

3 Name: ureikun : 2007-10-23 11:10 ID:xO7afQp9

Thanks, I do stay in contact with them and since I'm not really big into phones that and sometimes constant phone calling could result in high cost.. I created a myspace, something I loathed, just to keep in contact with a few of them.

4 Name: Polemic!3pI2s8EqCA : 2007-10-23 11:17 ID:zCcojAI9

If you get a decent calling card (compare rates, don't get some 10-cent-a-minute garbage with extra costs from a payphone, et cetera). You can get these at many gas stations. I found a great 5-dollar card that had a small connect fee, then cost only one cent a minute. Those work wonders for extended conversations.

For a long-term solution, I'd get a nice cell phone plan with free long-distance.

But it's nice to know you're keeping in touch with them. As I said, what you're going through is the worst part. You'll start to feel better once you begin to get used to your new life.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-23 12:13 ID:nXCcfhrw

OP, I was in your shoes EXACTLY a year ago. I moved to Tokyo and had no friends, only had family. Year later, I'm used to this life more than I am of my past one (not to mention I have a GF here...). You WILL get through this, but take my advice and don't fuck around too much.
My sympathies, and good luck during this hard time.

6 Name: 43 : 2007-10-23 12:28 ID:K76EM6Rv


Are you the guy from stuck in tokyo thread?

7 Name: ureikun : 2007-10-23 13:28 ID:xO7afQp9

well, it's mainly having no family around that gets to me and thanks. I also hope to obtain a girlfriend while starting a new life out here.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-23 22:28 ID:nXCcfhrw

I be that foo.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-23 23:06 ID:cbNJvPbo

I had a pretty hard time living on my own too the first month, but it got better pretty quickly. How long have you been on your own?

Just make sure you get out, explore your new environment, and meet people. Don't get trapped in a cocoon like many people here do, that leads to a lonely, apathetic path. Keep yourself busy and you won't be depressed.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-23 23:07 ID:Heaven


lol, glad to hear that worked out for you.
I envy your life experiences.

11 Name: ureikun : 2007-10-24 07:51 ID:xO7afQp9


I'm glad to hear that you are doing much better, I read through your thread.

Good luck in the future.

I envy your life experiences also.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-25 04:08 ID:xO7afQp9


It has been only four weeks since I moved out here.

13 Name: nanashi774 : 2007-11-02 06:22 ID:DSWaLGRl

aww, good luck, hun. i don't know what to say but don't be afraid or ashamed if you think you should seek professional help. it's better than always crying.

14 Name: ureikun : 2007-11-03 11:22 ID:xO7afQp9

I like to report my progress, since my first post.
I want to start out to say that I have found myself a job and working tends to occupy my mind to prevent me from feeling sad. I'm still a bit anti-social, maybe part of me doesn't quite fit in this new place yet, but i'll get use to that slowly under my own time. I'm still single.. though, I haven't really been looking with most of my time occupied on job hunting and now that I acquired a job, maybe I have some dating time?

I still have moments when i'm not working that I would just tear up and I just want to let it out.. but, it's not as bad as before.

But, Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it and it did help me a lot.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-04 11:21 ID:8G2FgvwC

Are you also the proud owner of "A total newbie" thread?

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