Life falling apart (16)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-11 09:25 ID:Y11a3Bdt

My youth sort of sucked too, but when I look back at it, all I see is a huge pile of missed opportunity. I was a child prodigy, which means I was practically guaranteed to turn out as a social retard right from the start. My past self still seems too serious despite never studying. I missed signs that girls liked me which I should have made a move on. I even alienated some of them, not intentionally but due to my inability to deal with them properly. I chose to move interstate for university instead of staying with a dream girl who understood why I was like I was, even though the local university more or less ran the same course.

If I had a time machine and paradoxes didn't cause negative impacts, I would go back and tell my former self how big an idiot he was during this period of golden opportunity, and teach him about the world and how things work. With a little of the right information early on (which nobody taught me otherwise) things could have been much different.

I'm too young for a mid-life crisis and too old for a quarter-life crisis. I'm divorced, and there is a stigma怀attached to that, people always assume you're the one who caused it to fall apart. And worst of all, you start to believe it yourself. As I approach 30 I start to feel really old, and that it isn't worth attempting to get back on track again. So instead of making moves on things which might make my life better, I end up dodging them and only causing more pain.

The solution to everything is to change, but change is hard, or more accurately change is easier if you do it earlier. Now I feel like the momentum is too much, and without some kind of amazing rocket I'm going to find it hard to turn around. The girl I've met is a pretty amazing rocket though, I just have to figure out how to launch it.

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