i need your help
i am a bit strange & i would like to be able to label my mental condition so i can treat it.
i like to relieve myself in unusual places.
I'm not an exhibitionist, cause mostly it is in the kitchen sink.
Oh, and when i do take a dump in the actual toilet, i first put a colander in there so i can capture it.
Then i inspect it closely & immediately take it out to the compost pile.
So, what kind of freak am i?
A /b/tard.
In need of psychiatric help.
Seriously. Before it gets out of hand.
Defecating in a colander is not out of hand enough?
Nigga, please.
>>1So, what kind of freak am i?
i know because i wrote it 6 months ago
once i took a dump on a drink fountain in an all-girls school. i was drunk lawl
It sounds like you're either a troll or a fecalfeliac.