Bad Friends vs. No Friends (4)

3 Name: Sathvelos!!7dqJVZgC : 2007-11-06 12:01 ID:m2rJbQV+

dont entirely get rid of her. i agree with >>2. keep her at a distance. when your not with her/not busy you should go do some activities that interest you and make some more friends. try to make some male friends, they are less likely to be bitches and wont use you to make themselves feel good about themselves like this girl is.

dont let her use you because thats what she is doing. your the "nice friend that doesnt want to fuck her". wrong, your nice, but you want to fuck her. she just using you so she can say "im not a decieving despicable lieing cheating slut whore, because if i was, a <insert OP's name here> wouldnt hang out with me, because hes so nice". face the facts man, your being used as a tool so she can feel better about herself. but dont let that get to you. trust me, as an ex-hikikomori i know how painful it is to be alone in a room. you need to get out more and in the process you will meet more interesting people ad befriend them. i for example decided to go to an anime club thing and met people there.

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