I'm stuck in a rut. (6)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-03 21:42 ID:V6SAX+45

confidence is really an internal issue, no amounts of physical appeal will change that.
one of my roommates, pretty face, good physique, but has some of the most fucked up relationship problems: with his gf, siblings, and friends. all problems stemming from his inability to trust himself.
another friend of mine, she is attractive (and smart) enough to date anyone without a problem, but again, due to the lack of self confidence, sits home all day, trying to figure out how to pretty herself even more.

my personal advice is try to be more social, make more friends, real friends dont judge each other based on looks.
if you have difficulty because you worry about your teeth, just tell them straight up the story of how your teeth is fuck up, any rational empathetic human will understand that it's not your fault, and you're trying.
stop worrying too much about what other people think, people will think things about you regardless of whether you hide it or not, so just let them. just be true to yourself.

best wishes, anon.

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