So, I was helping someone find $5 worth of weed and I saw myself and how pitiful I was being. Doing drugs all the time is just becoming useless (same feeling over and over again). I constantly remember how things were better when I was a kid not smoking cigarettes and doing drugs.
Lately, I have been just using the excuse of how it helps me not be depressed and all that but to continue on putting drugs (even prescription) in my body is useless. I don't want to live this who drug using life anymore. I am getting tired of it and I have a problem.
The only thing stopping me is myself really. Mostly all my friends, who I see the most, do drugs except a few, who I don't see a lot. I sometimes wish I could be like the ones who don't and be happy. I constantly keep connecting happiness with the drugs I take. I am also constantly broke because of it. Everyone also keeps going through me to get drugs too and I hate that. It use to be just me and a few friends who did them. Now, I get strangers calling me asking me for drugs.
Do any of you have a suggestion other then rehab to stop this? Right now, I am in college and I want to stop before I get into higher classes. I don't want to screw up school anymore then I have.
You simply don't know how to moderate your use.
If you're living with your parents, work up the courage to tell them to begin drug testing you each week on a random day, and to not stop until you're out of college. Also, it's obvious, but you need to break ties with everyone you're friends with who do drugs. Try spending more time with the friends who do not do drugs. Take up a hobby, or get a job (or volunteer), so you have no free time to do drugs. Do not allow yourself access to any medications that you could take.
Begin writing a journal when you're feeling emotional/depressed. Post on 4-ch for advice if you feel overwhelmed.
Good luck, OP.
Join a AA knock-off for whatever drugs you use. You'll get the support you need from people who know exactly what you're going through, and you'll have the chance to make new friends with people who will support your decision to quit.
I have the utmost respect for those who choose to quit drugs. Best of luck, and keep us updated.
No, if you want to quit drugs don't join AA - not even NA. It's far too religious based and doesn't actually attack the issues at hand. Rehab centres are the best thing you can do next to cold turkey. I'm currently doing heroin and (outpatient) rehab really helps.
>>5 True AA sucks Big time, I just can't stand the "believe in higher power " BULLSHIT, seriously..UGH. I remember the first time i went ..some group came to me and said :" You wanna join for church this sunday?" ..i was like "eeuhm , i'm an atheist..sorry" and they kept bugging me like :" Come on man, JESUS can save you! blablabla"
Aaargh never again!
OP here,
Another reason why I should stop
I don't think I could break ties with my friend who do drugs. We had such a great time. I want to be friends with them still and not do any drugs at all. I just don't know if that is possible.
I don't really agree with rehab centers because they don't help that much at all. I have a friend who has been in and out of those places twice and I myself have been to a mental institution and all of those don't help.
Thank you for all the advice and I will keep you all updated. Right now I actually have one of my friends trying to have me find drugs again. I hope I can get through this day without doing any drugs.
I agree with >>3 on this. If you live with your family tell them and have them help you. Quitting on your own is going to be extremely difficult, especially if you have outside influences going against you.
Although you may have had great times with your friends, if being clean is something really important to you, you really should try and break ties with anything associated with your past life. For some people it's easy to stay clean while being with people on drugs, but from what you've said it sounds like you're not one of those people. It all boils down to what's most important-- becoming clean and not messing up your future, or staying with your current friends who influence you in a way you don't really want to be influenced in.
You can always find more friends and have better times than before (and be able to remember them...), but if you mess up too much at this time, it's really hard to straighten yourself out later.
Good luck!!
OP here,
I am going to be moving away from campus and getting my own place with two of my friends who don't do drugs (well one of them smokes weed once and while) and we all agreed not to have drugs around the house. I also told them all that I want to quit doing it. They are very supportive of my decision. I hope my new place turns out alright.
That is all very true and for me to come out to my friends about not wanting to do drugs was very hard. Being away from it will be good for me.
Thank you for all the advice again. I'll keep updating and try hard to stay clean.
>>9 That's a very wise move. Good luck, OP! You can do it!
I used to do drugs (although not hardcore ones, weed every other day) and I found that when I hung out with different people who weren't talking about drugs/ using them constantly, it helped me move away from it.
But that's a great move you did OP! Everything will work out just fine.
Frankly, you don't come off as desperate/addicted/whatever for drugs. You have no clue kiddo.
$5 worth of weed? oh my lollness. It doesn't even count as doing drugs.
What's hardcore anyway? I do 2c-i once or twice a week, but I don't consider it hard. Who decides these things anyway?
Q)Why can't I stop doing drugs?
A)Simple because you are in fact a weak ass bitch who doesn't know how to use drugs without the drugs using you.
All you need to do is exhibit some self-control, and tell anybody who tries to convince to you do otherwise to piss off. Seriously, it's not like you're hooked on Meth or Crack here - You have no physical addiction binding yourself to it, any drug-related problems you have would stem entirely from a lack of self-control (Or, you can call it a "Mental addiction", if you want to try to get some sympathy by bawwing about it. Mental addiction is a massive lie, though. So you like Marijuana a little too much and crave for it a little - It's no more of an addiction then craving for some chocolate or sweets, damnit. If you let that craving get the best of you, it means you're a worthless piece of crap with zero self-control, not that you're "Mentally addicted")
What drugs do you use?
Weed + addiction = bullshit
Just grow your own weed if money is an issue, it's not difficult at all.
I was comparing it to making other drugs, like growing shrooms from a spore print or something chemistry related. It's not difficult if you do some self education/google and can afford a good lamp.
Growing shrooms is fucking easy as shit.
Shit, fuck fucking fuckers, it's easy as shit fucking.
OP here,
I've noticed this topic of mine has gone just into debate and I would just like to end it. I would also just like to say that I am now planning a cross country drive from Alaska to Pennsylvania. I see that returning to my family will be the next best move.
Now, I have to admit since I started this topic I smoked more marijuana and did more LSD. I have just come to the realization that these drugs do not control me and that I am constantly in control of them. Also, as stated by some of the posters here, I was not physically or harshly addicted (I made sure never to do those types of drugs (which are more addicting) because they are horrible. This was mainly because my father was a drug addict.) to any of them. I only stuck to LSD, marijuana and mushrooms which were enough for me.
I will probably continue this weird path because it has brought me such great incite and has expanded my mind so much. I don't really know how to describe it but the people I have met, the experiences I have had and the things I have seen while on this path have brought me such great feelings (some bad and some good) and have turned me into a better person.
Thank you again for all your posts. I really enjoyed all of your advice and your arguments.
- OP