[Rant]It Sucks to be in a Conscript Army (57)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 18:26 ID:/0HveICc

I hate the fact that I'm wasting 2 years of the prime of my youth serving this useless organisation what would bankrupt itself within one month from all the red tape and inefficiency if it wasn't a government organisation.

I hate the fact that my university education has to be put on hold for 2 years while my female friends don't have to go through this nonsense.

I hate the fact that they're paying me at most 1/3 of what I could be earning if I took a temp job in the real world.

I hate the fact that people with brains the size of a pea get to boss me around.

I hate the fact that I have to perform regimental duties, which is basically a complete waste of time and the duty exists for the sake of having us do duties. Pure stupidity.

I hate the fact that I've got 14 months more of this crap to go before I return to the real world.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 19:43 ID:HPnzrrpV

I sympathize with your plight.
But at least your not at war, right?
You'll be able to go home without killing anyone, having your limbs/balls/face blown off, or developing PTSD that makes it impossible to keep a job or develop normal human relationships.

Just think of the fools in other countries that volunteered for that crap!

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 20:13 ID:X2tfEE9H

that's why man will all be under women in the future.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 20:47 ID:7t4o4XZI

>>3 no. There are more men both at the top and on the bottom, and it will stay this way for the foreseeable future. http://4-ch.net/sexual/kareha.pl/1190993732/l50


At least people who go to war end up with interesting stories to tell, and possibly become heroes. Sounds like our friend >>1 has no chance of that, either.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 23:15 ID:Heaven

Personally I don't mind woman on top.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 00:09 ID:HPnzrrpV

> interesting stories to tell

Whatever makes you happy, but I'm not going to swim in a vat of hydrochloric acid just so I can tell people about it.

> possibly become heroes

Or get spit on and while people scream "BABY KILLER!"
Here's some 'hero' jobs that don't involve killing under a government contract:

  • Fireman
  • Surgeon
  • Olympic-Level Athlete
  • Public Defender

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 00:19 ID:XuPgA/iJ

Sucks, although at least it keeps you from being a hikki loser NEET like me.

And you might be able to pick up a few professional or personal skills you wouldn't have been able to learn at school.

There are some positives here, I think, although I don't really know what your situation is like, seeing as there's no conscription here.

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