[Rant]It Sucks to be in a Conscript Army (57)

38 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-02 19:13 ID:UTSQaI/c

>>37 Continued
I'm lucky, myself. Not only am I part of the rich middle class or rather bourgeoisie, but I also have citizenship of another country. I've been privileged to live here and observe but not be affected by nationalism. I've always been in an American school, I blew off the reserve forces after going four times, I can speak English so my knowledge is not limited to what the government allows to be published here and translated in this language. I was born with a working brain that wasn't polluted by this country's mentality or any other country's for that matter. When the bloody revolution does finally take place I have the money and the ability to go pretty-much wherever I please.

Fascism is alive and kicking. You in civilized countries need to recognize that, you need to be aware that people elsewhere have it much worse than you (I can't even comprehend what it would be like to be a commoner here). Those of you who can vote need to. You need to make sure that fascism doesn't infiltrate your society. You need to keep your mind from being tainted by them. You need to stamp out fascism where it begins. It's easy for something like this to start and almost impossible to end.

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