Socialy- incompetents anonymous?? (10)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-19 10:05 ID:fHUDp2xG

I was almost always in the Go Home Club at school. I didn't join any clubs because none of them suited my interests. I didn't create my own club because I didn't think I knew how at the time. You know, school had a lot of clubs, and a limited number of clubrooms. And non-clubs weren't permitted to use noticeboards, so I have no idea how I would have gotten members, and that's already making the big assumption that there would have been enough other people in the school interested in the same things.

Incidentally, I was staying in the boarding school. So my parents weren't able to shape me much during the high school period, and in many ways it really was supposed to be the school's job. You would think that boarding school would be good for making friends, but I found it to be full of jackasses. There were a few decent people but not enough to make up for the assholes.

So yeah, I think classes in how to be a decent human being would have been really useful too.

I just found it ironic that school teaches you all sorts of things, but then when you get out into the real world and your life sucks, you look back and realise all the things you were supposed to learn weren't taught, and what you did learn (all the way up to university) became irrelevant after a year or two of real work.

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