Massive headache too frequent to my liking... Whats wrong? (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-19 01:26 ID:gIHneRZb

I've been having a lot of headaches that are just too much for me to handle. It feels like my brain is going to explode. And they seem to happen a lot. Normally my mother or boyfriend have said that it's caused by being in front of the computer. But yesterday I was at a christmas party and it started there. When I came home it was worse. I fell asleep at 8ish and when I woke up at 2am it was still pulsing.

Now with my crazy imagination I kept thinking up "Oh god do I have some kind of tumor?" "Maybe a blood clot?" So suffice to say I ended up crying myself to sleep.

Now because I have no money and I'm not able to see a doctor.. what can I do about this? I'm going to google for answers but I doubt that could help. There are too many problems that involve headaches I'm sure.

I'm confused and scared.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-19 03:35 ID:Jodw98pF

There is a system of cavities inside the brain called the ventricles that contains cerebral spinal fluid.

A common cause of headaches is a lack of fluid in this cavity.

Try drinking water and eating flax seeds more frequently. Especially if you enjoy drinking alcohol in any amount.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-19 08:22 ID:mmRNe/Oi

It's true that drinking water often relieves headache pain, because when you are dehydrated you tend to have headaches (and you dehydrate easily when you drink alcohol)

Maybe you are starting to suffer from migraines, and it's highly unlikely that it's due to a blood clot or a brain tumor,...
Actually often the pain is produced by the muscles around your skull. The brain itself is insensitive to pain, one could slice it without you feeling anything (when you knock your head, pain comes again from the skin and muscles around your skull).

You should probably go to see a doctor. If you don't have money ask your mother. I would be very surprised if there really is no way for you to see a doctor (do you have a medical insurance, social security). If you don't have access to medical treatment, that's what I would worry the most about, and would adress that issue right away.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-19 08:42 ID:IxKDSZQg

Couldn't he just hit the ER if it really came down to it? It's abusing the system, and costing taxpayers like me money, but it's probably better to be healthy.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-19 10:31 ID:rF9S2J6K


I think that would be an option, but I'm sure there are less desperate and more efficient ways to deal with the issue,... She has to learn to access medical treatment.

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