My social problems: severe enough for professional help? (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-01 01:31 ID:bnvPeD4/

Well I am your typical social retard, I'll be 20 soon in half a year, have no friends at all, never had a girlfriend, no hobbies, no skills afraid of social situations, never go out ect.
Since I'll be finished with school soon, my parent want me to move out in a few months and I am really afraid of this. I talked with them about my fears and they said that a change of my environment could help me. But I don't think I can live on my own, I can't even go to a store and buy some food. But I am probably better off than a lot of the people here, I never skip school and my grades are not exactly good but not too bad either considering that all I do at school is silently sit around and daydream. There are even quite some people who come to my for help on math or physics and often say that I could help them, even though I think that they're just beeing nice.
So should I go to or therapist or can I just solve my problems by seeking confrontation with social situations, which way has the higher potential of embarrassing myself?

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