okay-I've got these HUGE whiteheads and the solidified oil is already surfaced through the skin. I can't seem to get them to go away or explode without popping them [and I don't want to pop them because it makes my skin worse] any tips?
stop masturbating so much
Where on your body are they? Do you generally have oily or dry skin? I often find myself getting pimples on my chin, because I rest my chin in my hands while I'm at the computer for extended amounts of time. My hands, I'm assuming, have a somewhat higher oil concentration than my face does...
When I stopped propping up my forehead in my hands, pimples decreased greatly.
Not going to help for severe acne though.
I use Neutrogena acne-prone formula soap once daily. It's great, although occasionally it'll give me a weird rash that looks kind of like a sunburn... still looks a hell of a lot better than acne, and only happens about once every couple months.
The other things I use are a little weird, but they work for me. I'd check them out, but I won't promise they'll work for you.
I rub plain aloe vera on my face every time after washing my face. I use the kind you can buy to drink in any health food store.
I also use plantain tincture (lol, quack medicine that actually works) after washing my face. I just started using this a couple weeks ago, and my face looks much better. It's still kind of gross if you look really close, but the majority of the world isn't two inches away from my face. Again, you'll probably have to go to a health food store for this.
I've also used scrub washes before, but I haven't had much luck at all. I ended up with nasty dry face that only went away after sitting around with a hot washcloth on my face for several minutes.
That's another thing - make sure you wash your face at least twice a day; more if you've been eating greasy food. I don't know how long your hair is, but if it is long, be sure to keep in clean and not greasy. If for some reason you have to miss a shower, keep it away from your face. I don't care if you're male and it's at a length that that you can't pull it back with a hair tie - just buy some little hair clips and look like a fag. :3
Also, you may want to check yourself for food allergies and generally eat well. Avoid lots of cheap candy, too much sugar, etc, etc.
Good luck!
I only seem to have acne on the sides of my face, but the zits just won't stop coming back. I'm thinking about using my Murad face kit again [though it stopped working for a period of time]
and believe it or not, masturbation as a cause of acne is just a myth