Why asians don't like blacks? it seems they're more racist than whites!
It's not that Asians, don't like blacks, nobody likes blacks.
well, as far as races go, asians and blacks are somewhat opposite, arent they?
lol and then there are the indians, who have dark skin, but are from asia....
>>5 they wipe their asses with their hands. filthy animals
Asians = about three thousand of years civilization of rich social, cultural, philosophic and scientific achievement.
"blacks" = bringing the stone ages into the 21st Century, rhythm, rhyming poorly pronounced words, grape drink
I have no objection to what >>7 said about blacks, but not every asian country is well known for being home to achievers.
what the fuck
Some of the earliest civilizations were started by 'dark skinned' people while whites were still probably living nomadically.
The problems in Africa can be blamed on tribal traditions of warfare and conquer, or the cold war, or religious zeal. Things the 'white' population have been, and still are, guilty of committing in human history.
i'm filipino, and i don't like blacks. i hate to say it, but most of them are just so loud and obnoxious, and it's so irritating that whenever a group of them gather, they just start getting so loud and just so stupid.
Not all black people do that. I don't at least. I am actually very shy and reclusive. Quiet too.