Alone and depressed (LOTS OF TEXT) (35)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 15:49 ID:bzf/Fnwi


You idiot. See a psych-doctor pronto. People like you are everywhere, you aren't special. I'm just like you, and I just got out of a mope period. I'm just going to got through another semester of community college like every other person around me, not have much of a social life, and deal with it. Occaisionally I get depressed, but that's not a big deal really, its just a matter of sucking it up and putting things into perspective. I'm only 20, you're only 19. We're fucking kids. We have another whole decade to improve ourselves. Think about what you were doing ten years ago. I was playing with Pokemon Cards and K'nex, worrying about Aliens and Bigfoot and getting over my fear of the dark. The difference between the 19 year old you and the 29 year old you may be even greater. Like I said, perspective. Suck it up, and don't be afraid to get messy.

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