Alone and depressed (LOTS OF TEXT) (35)

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 18:00 ID:L7AhgaTH

omg what a bunch of hypocrites (i am disgusted by them) here. (i am not op)

and your english is either shitty! or i am too dumb to understand your sophisticated speech.

CO is a good method when it is executed right.
enough said. ( also i will use it =)

to my person:

  • have 0 hobbies and interests ( i never had any since i am not very talented which is an understatement)
  • social life (it's ok since i have been always a loner)

-well i have been to school for about 13years.
1,5 years have passed since my graduation.
(hm, but i forgot almost everthing by now, since i have always been learning for the tests, nothing in the end i got a graduation certificate, but not really anything else for 13years!)

-i also did attend for civilian services, atleast for some months before i quit cause it was really boring and annoying

-i am not pleased with the fact that i am not so intelligent nor sportive talented.

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