Alone and depressed (LOTS OF TEXT) (35)

21 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 22:26 ID:HzgBfloT

> you are being one of the worst hypocrits.

What's my hypocrisy?

> but you never heard of DNA or talent etc.

Wait, everyone but you has talent?

Damn, it's strange how most people somehow get through life okay! Screw the bell curve, they're all talented geniuses!

> calling me a thief is so low

Of course you're a thief. Do you think all those years of education and the effort by your parents and community are nothing? Your very existence up until now has meant a little less for everyone else.

It costs a fuckton to raise a single person to adulthood, and that's just the monetary side. Society does it in the hope that it'll get a return for its investment. And here you're planning to run away.

But hey, it's okay! Just think of yourself! Nobody else matters but you, emokid!

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