Alone and depressed (LOTS OF TEXT) (35)

25 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-19 04:18 ID:/hRRDSpP

> are you in rage?

Are you Captain Obvious?

> community? -no

The community doesn't? What the fuck are you smoking, emokid?

Did your parents only ever send you to private school? Did they only take you to private doctors and hospitals? Did you never take public transit anywhere? Or even use public roads or places for that matter? How about the food you eat, was that inspected by your own personal mad scientist? Or, or, or... and it's all paid with taxes, which are paid by...?

By being born into this society you are a) enjoying all its benefits, and b) taking up resources.

Talking about your parents, are they dead or something? Do your really care so little what they feel that killing yourself is a-okay?

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