Scared of Sleeping Alone (74)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 11:57 ID:tokXO6lg

I'm 17 and I'm too scared to sleep alone. Even though I have my own room I've been sleeping with my sibling's in their rooms ever since I was younger. My brother moved out a couple years ago and now my sister's planning to move out by the summer, so I have to get over this fear soon or else I don't know what I'm going to do, and I definately don't want to sleep in my parent's room.

It's ridiculous how scared I am. I'm too scared to even close my eyes while I wash my face, and some nights I get so scared I have to sleep in the same bed with someone else. I know it's all in my head and I've tried so hard to get over this, but I just can't.

I think this phobia started when I was about 4 or 5 years old. This girl who lived next door used to babysit me and sometimes she would lock me in a room by myself and leave a scary movie on. She would also tell me about all these different ghost stories and how my house was haunted. She would even have her friends put on different scary costumes and scare me. I have no idea why she did those things but it was fucked up and I hate her for doing it.

All I know is that I just want to not be scared anymore. My whole family teases me about and it really kills me inside. They all see me as a kid even though I'm turning 18 soon. Only a couple of my friends know about this but luckily they don't really think much of it. I don't know how I'm going to get on with my life if I'm scared of the dark. Does anyone have any advice on how I can get over this fear?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 12:28 ID:5DD8yR1u

I think the best way to deal with this is to try systematic desensitization, you can try self-administering it.

This is a helpful link

Don't feel bad about having this phobia, it is clearly not your fault, it is a completely understandable reaction to the situation you were placed in by that babysitter.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 14:05 ID:EVe1AMZM

If systematic desensitisation is to stressful, you could try positive reinforcement; try finding some music or doing something that makes you feel comfortable or relaxed, and when you're feeling good move into a dark room without thinking about it. Don't set a time to move or you will just become apprehensive as the deadline comes, just move when you feel happy. You should get at least a short period (if you do the move 'properly' without thinking hard about it) where the good feelings linger in the dark, which over time can build more desirable associations. Its comparatively slow, but gentler than just forcing yourself to go in a dark room arbitrarily. If the thing you pick is music it has the benefit you can keep listening in the dark, or listen at progressively lower light levels (you would need to lower them slowly, like over a course of weeks)

It sounds like you are OK with being in the dark as long as ther is someone else with you, in which case there could be a few other options - is this an accurate assumption?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 21:23 ID:alLMo+Uq

Why not try a token economy situation? If you make it a few hours, or make it a night, then reward yourself with something you really like (although, obviously not having someone else in the room!).
Also you can try spending small amounts of time by yourself to help you work up to spleeping alone. Try five minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and hour... just keep trying. Or, if you need to start even more slowly, get someone on the phone and have them talk to you for awhile, and then try and hang up for a few minutes and go from there.
You don't have to be embarrassed about this. Just do your best to get over it if you don't like it, and don't listen to the teasing.
Good luck~!!!

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 00:39 ID:+XSkHExu

Lots of people have irrational fears; you're not alone in this or the treatment from your family.
If you feel you can talk to your parents about this, tell them you don't appreciate the teasing and treatment.
Or you could be passive aggressive and scare your family members with what they fear the most, then laugh about it.

What is it that's actually scary?
The darkness or the alone?


> don't listen to the teasing.

Easier said than done. Much easier.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 04:37 ID:k5WfP7VO

Warm electric blanket might help. Comfortable and somewhat similar to body heat. Then just slowly desensitize yourself.

7 Name: Scared too!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2008-02-26 19:56 ID:rqVKV3Cb

You described my fear exactly. My boyfriend asked me if I was sure I hadn't written the post. Let me know if any of the above work for you. I would love to get in touch and share our fear. Maybe it'll help knowing someone who finally understands. My parents think I may have had a babysitter as well who scared me. They tried to make me obedient by telling me a ghost or monster would come out of the dark if I didn't behave. I think my father also exposed me to scary movies at a young age.
This week I'm going to try to go to speak to a psychologist. I don't really know what I'm going to say, but hopefully she'll be able to offer some advice.

Thanks for sharing your fear. It's nice knowing I'm not the only one.

8 Name: Hikikomori : 2008-02-28 02:38 ID:gLh+4LvR

Aside from the real solutions provided by just about anyone here, I have a quick and dirty crutch to help you cope in the beginning.

Put a lock on your door, a good one. Close it. Now you are alone in the room. You are safe. There is a lock on the door which only you control. You can get out but no one can get in. Safe.

This feeling of safety and control will probably help.

I'm an aged Hikikomori and this is how I sleep. The world has tormented me enough my friend. There's a good lock on my strong door and my razor sharp Wakizashi sword is in reach.

I sleep like a baby.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-28 03:07 ID:Heaven

What if your wakizashi was a possessed one?

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-28 12:36 ID:Heaven

They do come out at night though, ghosts and stuff. The other day I was half asleep and looked up and saw what looked like the outline of a human body on the ceiling. In the morning it wasn't there at all though.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-28 14:56 ID:JucqbUaK

I used to have this problem. I got fucking pissed off, so I started challenging myself. I went out for walks in the middle of the night, and whenever I felt fear of something coming over me, I just said silently to myself; bring it on motherfucker! And I would stare into the eyes of my fear and refuse to look away.
I'd also sit alone in the house in the dark and do the same thing. If I ever felt as there was a frightening prescence anywhere, I'd go there and look, just sit it out until it went away.

I still get scared sometimes, but I can just brush it off, realizing that there is nothing out there.

I once woke up in the middle of the night, and I heard a little girl crying in the bathroom. First I thought it was my little sister, but I knew I was alone in the house. So I said "come out", then the crying stopped abruptly, and I heard someone walking towards me from the bathroom, but there were no steps on the floor, just the brushing of clothes. The walking accelerated, and I could hear it was in the same room as me now but I couldn't see anything. Then the "presence" went straight into me, and I could feel like a strong electrical current rushing through my entire body, and a metallic screaming sound echoing in my head.
I was like whoah WTF! I thought hell I must still be sleeping, but I obviously was not. Pretty fucked up, but I'm sure it was some form of hallucination.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-29 15:43 ID:Heaven

I find the dark extremely comforting, like a warm blanket.
If I can't see anyone else in a dark room, no one else can see me.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-08 22:16 ID:7eP6SYYs

ok, i haven´t read the other posts but:

You can try to be praying to God as you go to sleep, knowing that He is there along with you.
Also trying to listen or think of some relaxing songs or hymns.
You could try to read in bed until your eyes just close by themselves.

Another tip is that you should think of other things, try not to get stressed by the thought that you can´t sleep just try to "rest for a while".

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-08 22:30 ID:wVZcAv07

I like this idea. Also, meditating would be very helpful.

Does OP have any pets? Having a pet sleep with you and keeping a small light on might be helpful. My cat sleeps with me every night, and every time I feel like there's a "presence," I just wake him up. If he doesn't act odd, I can assume that everything is fine.

I suggest against sleeping with a weapon nearby, as you live with other people. If your father/mother came into your room to wake you up, you might become scared and attack them due to the grogginess.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-09 00:55 ID:lerRhgtN


Sounds like some kind of hypnagogic hallucination combined with exploding head syndrome. I get the latter, and "a strong electrical current rushing through my entire body, and a metallic screaming sound echoing in my head" does sound a bit like it. I don't get any hallucinations to go along with it, though, but apparently it does happen according to wikipedia.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-09 02:49 ID:m9f6SXyv

Try sleeping with music on. If your room has windows, try covering them.

17 Name: bob allmen : 2008-03-10 22:03 ID:ycfBicAV

maybe one day you could find somebody to sleep with for every night for the rest of your life, or you could quit being such a pussy.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-18 14:00 ID:6qXxXwrf

Sleep with lights on. Work from there.

I would so snuggle up with you though.

19 Name: blank : 2010-01-12 03:15 ID:O5NACiFI

Wow i thought this was very uncommon. i'm 14 and have the same problem. my dad doesnt know how serious this is and he doesnt want to help. i take this very seriously and offensivly. everyone thinks its a load of bull, but its really not.
ive tried sleeping with the lights on but then the lonelyness comes into play. music doesnt work because it just makes me think about being alone. this is a ligdiment fear and if u can help email me at

20 Name: blank : 2010-01-12 03:17 ID:O5NACiFI

Wow i thought this was very uncommon. i'm 14 and have the same problem. my dad doesnt know how serious this is and he doesnt want to help. i take this very seriously and offensivly. everyone thinks its a load of bull, but its really not.
ive tried sleeping with the lights on but then the lonelyness comes into play. music doesnt work because it just makes me think about being alone. this is a ligdiment fear and if u can help email me at

21 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-13 04:02 ID:Heaven

Lol, ligdiment.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-15 08:05 ID:EiIZLGDu

Not that it matters, but are you a guy or girl OP?

I had this problem when I was about 12. At the time I had these glow in the dark stars on my ceiling, and they were so pretty to look at that I was distracted from my fear. Also, you could try thinking about your crush. Often it puts me to sleep straight away.

23 Name: You're not alone : 2010-01-25 00:48 ID:BxWw9z4d

Dude me too. I try waking up early so i can be really tired.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-25 16:33 ID:4/cP68vX

This thread is over two years old.

I wouldn't say I know exactly what the OP and others are talking about though. Is it the sensation of being watched from the darkness or a vulnerability thing? Hikikomori was vulnerability in the dark kept in check be a wakazashi, but I'd like to know more of this...

25 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-28 21:01 ID:6wIFdLD6

25 year old semi-hikki here. Parents' house is a huge old 5 BR house. The house is surrounded by huge trees, and squirrels run around on the roof and branches scrape across the outside walls which is terrifying at night. Lots of big ground floor windows, so it wouldn't be hard to break into.

Not a fun place to be at night when the parents are traveling. I keep a knife in the drawer and leave a nightlight on.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-29 08:20 ID:M6+CP9kl

Get a guard dog, black dogs in particular are more intimidating to any would-be criminal, and as a hikki you'd have plenty of time to train it.

Even if you just got a companion dog it would probably help you feel a lot better.

27 Name: Tayla : 2010-03-22 02:14 ID:EtCrVuqQ


I have the same problem to.
And It's getting really annoying. It's tearing me up!
And I say to myself in my head "What am I scared of? I don't need to be scared!" And then when it's actually night time... I freak out... I'm 11 and my family teases me about it sometimes. I'm getting my own room when we move out and I don't feel so good about it. Sometimes I just listen to my mp3 in bed until I fall asleep... But remember, it's your house, nothing can hurt you. Don't let fear tear you up. Just say "What am I scared of? GOSH I'm almost 18! If something happens, something happens, but nothing will If I'm brave." Then just shut your eyes and pull the string, and let go and be scared! Just clear your mind... And think of how much fun your going to have tomorrow, or your crush or girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever... Just pull the string, man! Hope this helps for me and you! =/

28 Name: Anonymous : 2010-03-24 01:44 ID:tkGHton0

What is ligdiment?

29 Name: Anonymous : 2010-03-24 06:38 ID:LTOLYQ11

>>25 I'm surprised to hear that. Leafy suburbia / ruraldom is hardly the first place one would expect a need to be on their best guard. (Speaking at a hikki in similar circumstances).

30 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-04 01:52 ID:++p1oj9c

Try using alcohol with systematic desensitization. You're likely to not give a shit if you're buzzed. It'll be like training wheels, and eventually you'll be able to do without.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-05 19:38 ID:obdvdvYw

Go ask mum if she'll let you sleep in her bed.

32 Name: BrittanyTrey<3 : 2010-07-26 05:57 ID:Yr6GIZzc

Honestly I am 16 and ever since I was 6 I can't sleep in a room alone. when I was at cheer camp I was in a room alone and i had to call my mom to read to me till I was asleep. the only way I can sleep in a room alone is if I am so tired that I pass out, I cry for hours till I am asleep, or it is the middle of the day.

I think it all has to do with some terrifying experience. When I was six and it all began I was at my brother's and they were watching ghost stories and they were showing the Ghost that killed people in their sleep in a hotel and he turned it off and Screamed REALLY loud. I have been scared ever since.

hope we can all find some kind of help.

33 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-27 02:59 ID:wxoM+7DC

Yeah my fear is just being alone... like I have a lock on my door, but I just think.. A lock isn't going to stop a ghost, and that's really what I'm scared of, ghosts and demons, since I've done Ouija Boards before and I've had terrifying experiences and I'm just scared that if I'm in my room alone and I close my eyes some demon is going to be in my room and possess me.. But yeah I still sleep with my mom, my parents are divorced so there's room in the bed for me, and that just worsens it because I know I don't HAVE to sleep in my bed, I can just stay in my own room. If you have any tips or anything that will help please reply..

34 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-29 02:26 ID:IZd1CB1b

>>30 is correct

35 Name: Anonymous : 2010-09-15 08:18 ID:3pva5edI

One word...


36 Name: Anonymous : 2010-09-25 04:01 ID:LN12xAfw

Get a teddy bear. A big one. With muscles.

37 Name: Anonymous : 2010-09-25 16:10 ID:Heaven

Guys, this thread was made in 2008. I don't think OP reads this thread any longer...

38 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-10 19:37 ID:m/ghW+Pb

This sounds like what im suffering with but at night i get so scared that i have to cover my body and only a hole where i can breathe out of otherwise i scream. My dad believes in spirits and he goes to mediums often however they said to him that i talk to dead people in my sleep and that scared me even more!! i can't close my eyes either when i wash my face :( and also my friend made me watch paranormal activity and scared me even more especially with the loft open bit. One day i got home and my loft is in my bathroom above the bath and it was open never been so scared and now when i have baths i have to make sure its locked and im scared! :'(

39 Name: LH : 2011-05-02 22:36 ID:5lYwsPTm

Sammee, I had learned to sleep alright but then my friends made me watch paranormal activity, its been more than a year since then but I still cant sleep alone..
I've always been scared of the dark and believed in ghosts and stuff ever since I was little, I used to sleep with my parents and made sure I slept in the middle.. I have also never felt safe in my own house at night >.<

40 Name: anonymous : 2011-05-16 14:53 ID:I12wSodl

try watching MY LITTLE PONY FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC to relieve your imagination from horror movies you watched. I watch this when I am scared because the cuteness of the characters will make you forget about scary stuff.

41 Name: anonymous : 2011-05-16 14:55 ID:I12wSodl

don't judge the guy above, try watching it yourself and then try call him a gay for watching something you actually like. (I know because I tried...)

42 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-03 04:24 ID:01N/+Spg

Wow, I am 16 and have the same exact problem. My sister just moved out and its been really hard for me to sleep alone but I find that surrounding myself in pillows actually helps (it sounds weird but it really works). Sometimes it gets so bad that I will seriously just turn my light on and sit there for a while until I get over it. Hopefully this helps you a little bit. If you find a cure please let us know :)

43 Name: SP : 2011-07-13 10:17 ID:5HvdSPIA

I have even worst problems, when i sleep alone - i see souls moving around and i hear stuff n see stuff. Like if i sleep alone - the next day i have info about whts going to happen next day, whether be plane crashes, tusnamis or earthquakes - i predicted - days before. I dont know but sometimes i also get numb and feel scared. I am so fuckin tired from childhood. I just want 7 good hours to sleep and just these things keep coming to me. I am 31 now with wife n children. But these things r getting even worst. I use to predict the death dates when i was young, now i hav remote vision. Where in if i smell a cloth or hear a voice of the person - i can tell where he or she is - like i mean i should know that person. I dont want all this but it keeps coming to me. M i mad or physcho!!

44 Name: ScaredSleeper:( : 2011-07-15 01:34 ID:Qtkm36yi

I seriously thought I was alone in having this problem...I watch Ghost Adventures a lot and it doesn't bother me. Then, when I go somewhere dark I feel like someone is going to snatch me up like a worm and a hawk...HELP ME!!!

SP: Do you know what kind of problem you're having?

45 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-15 06:07 ID:nN4mKxKM

I have a somewhat narcissistic desire to cuddle a girl who sees my bedside company as almost a godsend.

46 Name: IMSOSCARED-.- : 2011-07-28 10:06 ID:tGk4x3DF

I am scared of Demons and Ghosts aswell.... But yet no funny things have happend to me.... I am just so scared I cant listen to horror or I wont sleep for years but after awhile I don't care but then suddenly it hits me again...

Although I had 1 dream and it was when I was just in the study and I was done and was walking out but I tripped and I heard.... You are GONE! ANd something like a cold deadly wind hit me and I woke up...

Im 11 and I dont know how I'm so scared please guys... Please I need help I wwant to stopp this young....

47 Name: scaredofsleeping : 2011-08-04 15:18 ID:eNFT+oJG

im 11 and im scared of sleeping by myself im just like the first comment.Im scared of bloody marry and thedeadly woman so can you guy help me?!?!?!

p.s. im not even looking at the screen cuz of the bloody and stuff ok can you just help me

48 Name: blabla bla : 2011-08-16 18:13 ID:lL+sdPDl

was your babysitter mad?

i am also scared of sleeping alone, because i once looked at the movie The Ring and since then i cant sleep alone, i sleep with my sister but everytime we she turnes her to de other side i become paranoic and begin to think abut scary things the next 10 minutes i begin to cry and then my sister calls my dad to sleep with me :((, hellllpppp me !!!!!!!!!

p.s. im only 10 years.....

49 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-22 01:21 ID:u+Qm5WwX

I can sleep alone as long as I have my TV turned on.

50 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-25 19:06 ID:LU9dQTMh

51 Name: Taco : 2011-10-05 02:52 ID:hGpsMEay

I'm a 13 year Old girl and I'm afraid to sleep by myself which I do sleep by myself now but I have my lamp on and I listen to music to but I still stay awake scared for like 3 hours and I can't ask my family for help because they will make fun of me and they have before...and it's not dreams that bother me much it's just I can't fall asleep when it's dark out like I can if it's light out.. And it's bin like this since the 3rd grade.. I don't kno what to do :(

52 Name: Lucy : 2011-10-10 04:44 ID:8oOuKCiG

I had this problem as a teenager and into my 40's.

If I was alone, I would always sleep with at least a dim light or a light on in the next room and some music playing or the radio on. If I didn't do this and allowed myself to lie in a dark room at night alone without noise, I would become terrified. I wasn't afraid of anything specific, but would think of ghosts, demons or other unknown invisible dangers - sometimes I thought that if I did not get up and turn on the light, I would die.

It is very difficult for others to understand the real terror associated with this problem. I don't know exactly what caused it, but going to sleep was sometimes quite traumatic.

Then, when I was in my mid-40s, I moved into a new apartment and was able to feel safe there. At first I relied on my old habits, but after awhile I was able to do the following:
Read (nothing scary or too exciting) until I was too sleepy to read the words anymore, then I would close my eyes and THEN turn off the light, so I didn't see the room go from light to dark. I would imagine the room the way it was when I had seen it in the light. Very soon I would be asleep.

Now I am able to be in the dark without so much fear, but every once in awhile, especially if I have watched a scary movie or read a scary story, particularly ghost stories, I begin to feel the fear again. So I stay away from those kind of stories now. Good luck to all who have written here. I wish you fear-free, comfortable sleep in the future.

53 Name: Nikki : 2011-11-29 04:22 ID:oxvoCuGu

For some reason, I don't know how how it helps, but I would watch
HowCast. You'll learn something and take your mind off scary crap.

54 Name: AliD123 : 2011-12-29 11:44 ID:Y4M6C5pT

I'm 14 and I cannot sleep alone. I dont know what it is, sometimes I can, but I have to stay up really late. I live with my mom and I sleep with her. I thought I was over it because a week ago I was fine with sleeping alone, I loved it. But now, the fear has just come back.
I'm not afraid of one thing, it could be any tiny little thing and then that feeling comes when your stomach drops and heart starts to pound and you start to swear...I spoke to my mom last night about it, she's agreed to let me go see a therapist. Maybe they can hyponize it out of me or something?
I just don't want to feel this way anymore.

55 Name: cam : 2012-01-10 21:55 ID:vv4M93bp

Im 13 and im scared to sleep alone i hate it as much as my parents do ive been this way since i can remember I sleep with a nightlight and the TV on and i take melatonin about 20 minutes before i go to bed im glad im not the only one I have two big dogs and a shotgun beside my bed the dogs sleep me and im still scared my mom has been saying up until I fall asleep i hate being alone and I dont want to go to the doctor I am sick and tired of it if anyone can help please call or text 912-381-7228

56 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-11 00:37 ID:qj6ZFqH3

>>55 are you scared of something in particular? Usually people who cannot sleep alone are at least aware that their fears are irrational, and that there's no real danger, it's a phobia. But in your case is there some real cause to fear for your body integrity?

And a shotgun? C'mon, assuming that the story is true (unlikely), aren't you concerned that you'll end up shooting one of your parents, or a dog? It's hard to imagine a more stupid idea than to equip a phobic person with a lethal weapon.

57 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-11 10:45 ID:Iebxbt5q

I'm usually not scared of sleeping alone, but I wish I didn't have to. Having someone else there would really help me calm down when I wake up crying, and I've never been able to get as good a night's sleep alone as I have been with another person.

58 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-11 20:39 ID:qj6ZFqH3

Would you people care to explain what are you afraid of?

Are you afraid of darkness? Why? Are you afraid some monster is going to eat you up? I'm sincerely interrogating myself on the reasons...

Personnally I prefer to sleep alone rather than with someone, since I tend to overheat and sweat in those instances. The only reason for me to sleep with someone is because of sex.

59 Name: Crystal : 2012-01-26 00:28 ID:CcrDU4H1

I am 31 and I'm terrified of the dark. Not only am I scared of the dark but its like I can't help but have the mental image of the "bad guys" from scary movies lurking in my home. I was raised by my single mother and was alone a lot starting at the age of five or six. I watched some scary movies then because I had no parental supervision. I was also left alone at night often. Like I said I am 31 now and still terrified of the dark and or what's in the dark that I can't see. I am fine as long as its light outside. Even when all the lights are on in the house and it's dark outside I am scared. I don't know what to do about this at all but I pray about it all the time and I just don't know what to do to cure it?

60 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-26 10:29 ID:8P3X+iVY

The only way to heal from fear of the dark is to dissociate the experience of darkness from the feeling of fear. For that to happen, you need to start being in the dark in conditions that do not raise fear in you. When I was a kid, I noted that darkness raised two kind of emotions in me: fear because of the possibility of some invisible threat, and a warm and comforting feeling from being enshrouded in total darkness and complete peace. This pleasurable darkness had a kind of motherly feeling, or of a feeling of refuge, like being in some personal cave hidden and preserved from the threats of the world. The threatening darkness was full of shadows and half-lights, the comforting darkness was so thick as to be like milk or velvet. So please realize that the total dark can also be comforting, because it provides a soothing calmness by preventing sensory overstimulation. Half dark on the other hand can be more frightening because shadows create fantastic shapes that are a springboard for an agitated imagination.

So in order to grow out of your fear of the dark, I suggest that you start by getting into complete darkness in the middle of the day. Use a room without windows, or then stay in your bed under some thick blanket. Learn to experience darkness as something pleasurable. You will soon realize that it works best when you close your eyes, because if you open them, you will gradually catch some speck of light that will disturb you. The comforting darkness is mostly internal, and external darkness only helps by supporting it. If there is too much light outside, you can't feel a pleasurable internal darkness. Once you learn to appreciate this milky/velvet darkness, you will realize that it's more the transition from light to dark that is disturbing, rather than light or dark.

Once you are comfortable with those exercises, you can start dealing with night darkness. For that you need to do two things: the first is to obstruct your paranoia: are you afraid of threats entering in your sleeping room? leave some object in front of the door or window that would make a lot of noise if someone tried to enter (if you live alone in a small apartment, you can do the same with the entry door). Just keep in mind that for your safety you must not make it hard for you to leave your place (in case of fire, for instance). The aim is not really to prevent anything from entering your room (that's why you lock your front door), but to make sure that nothing could possibly enter your room without waking you up. This will allow you to sleep more peacefully. If you are afraid of threats that would "materialize" in your room, then sleep in a smaller room, or use your blanket as a "magical" barrier. When I was a kid, I had two useful charms: one is that nothing could creep from the floor into my bed (so it was safe to stay in the bed), and the second was my blanket: as long as I was entirely under the blanket, without any skin exposed, I was protected. You know, if irrational fears are disturbing you, don't hesitate to create and use irrational protections: combat fire with fire!

The second thing you should do is to learn to enjoy darkness during the night. When night falls, switch off all lights, and go to bed. Make sure you achieve as much darkness (and silence!) as you can, to reach the comforting level of darkness. Your aim is not to sleep, but to experience and enjoy darkness. It's like taking a stroll in the park, but your taking a stroll in the comfort of your internal darkness. Note how you are doing. You will probably realize with time which kind of darkness is comforting for you, if it works best to open or to shut your eyes, if the blanket helps or is useless. Because you are not trying to fall asleep, you won't have any pressure. Once an hour has elapsed, go back to your normal activities, and go to sleep with lights on, as usual. It's only when you grow to really enjoy darkness that you will be ready to go to sleep with lights off.

61 Name: Sharon : 2012-02-29 02:36 ID:5vPVS0MJ

And I thought I was the only one with this problem.

I'm 13 this year, and, yes, I'm afraid of being lonely at night. The funny thing is, I'm totally okay with my parents leaving me alone in the house when they go out. I'm alone at this very moment, because I have to go to school at around 12 and my parents are morning session teachers. I'm even happy when they leave me alone 'cause it means absolute freedom for me. Even in the night.

But I just can't seem to get the hang of sleeping alone. Even if I know my parents and my brother are just sleeping in the next room, the loneliness in my own room just freaks me out. When I lie down to sleep, the loneliness overtakes and I keep thinking about them. Believe me, I've tried twice and the result was always carrying my pillow and my blanket and bolster, crying, and heading for the other room. I don't really know why. Every time I turn off the night light in my room, I'm like, Ugh! Another useless effort! When will I get the hang of this?!


But after I read all of this,it feels like there's really nothing to be scared of. Listening to music, praying for peace, reading, picturing a blissful, peaceful blue sky... Yep, I think I'm going to try again tonight. Wish me luck.

62 Name: Scared!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-03-27 17:40 ID:kw1Y37D4

i am 12 and have the same problem! i really need some hel! it scares me so much when i have to try and sleep alone so much sometimes i actually start to cry! I just always think that somethin is going to happen to me and i know that my mum is just one room away but even that doesnt comfort me at night! i usually have to slepp with my mum but nw i need a bit of privacy and space when i sleep. i am going to try sleeping with my lamp on and my dogs beside me but i am so afraid thst somethign is going to happen to me. I cant go to sleepovers wither because i cant be away from home unless its at a family emebers house and i really want this to stop because it makes me feel stupid! if anyone can help me please answer! i need all the help i can get even if its just a small suggestion it will help me attack my growing fear! Thanks xxx

63 Name: Moi : 2012-04-13 21:48 ID:bsRFoDGu

Many of your commentaries seem familiar to me, and regarding a certain comment that this post started years ago, that doesn't really matter to the many people who seek comfort or information regarding this very specific problem. People who don't suffer this situation, because it IS suffering, not being able to sleep and having these pangs of fear constantly opening your eyes, looking around to see if there is someone or something in your room with you, wakening at the slightest sound of scuffle or movement.

Now, I've tried many times to reason this fear. As always, I look toward our ancestors to see if this fear might have been imbedded into our genes for the sake of survival. Perhaps this fear has carried on from the days that our ancestors had real reason to fear the dark, because of the wild creatures and lack of vision that made us quite vulnerable prey at night. That is why we turn on the lights when we are scared, because the light is a reminder of fire, that element which saved us from the cold, the lack of vision, and any wild animals that might have "wandered into our cave".

Then again, this fear, to me and to others, comes in periods, or phases. For a month or so I am tormented, and sleep is precious and full of vivid dreams and nightmares which leave me tired during the daytime and completely change my sleeping schedule. For example, nowadays I'm going to bed at 5am, with an enormous difficulty, and I wake up at 11am.

I cope with the symptoms (radio, lights on, pillow cave, blanket cave, feline company), but I'd rather resolve the problem with Systematic Desensitization, as one of the collaborators of this text has purported.

64 Name: cougar : 2012-04-15 07:05 ID:9qGwl/cB

this is becoz of your babysitter.......... if u r a boy just fuck that bitch..... fuck her hard.. n if ur a girl.... then offer this work as a gift to ur bro.... n tell her what she did wen u were young..... m sure ur bro knows whats best for her!!!

65 Name: Saira : 2012-04-17 23:49 ID:tDcuA9PX

I also feel like im in the wrong time period. Even though i am a Muslim and i do not believe in reincarnation but i feel as if i was born in a different time, and i still belong there, as if i've left something behind. Nothing feels right for me at the moment, relationships, places etc, they are just not easy for me to deal with because i don't feel connected. And for some odd reason i'd rather be living as people did back in the ancient medievel times rather than now in this modern world. I seem to dislike and disagree with everything that goes on these days.

66 Name: Nine : 2012-04-29 11:52 ID:U0CSBX7J

I'm 20 and I have the same problem... I've had some really bad experiences with ghosts and stuff in the past, I don't like to remember... Anyway, I don't know what is it that I'm scared of. Usually, I just start thinking of bad stuff (e.g.: scary or violent movies and pictures), get the distinctive feeling that there's something in the room with me and start shaking. It's sooooo bad... My parents also make fun of me, specially my mom. I have to sleep in the living room couch and my brother sleeps in the bigger couch, and still I think about this bad stuff. I don't know what to do... Many people say stuff like "keep a lamp turned on" or "listen to some music", but I can't, it reminds me of bad things that happened. I can say that the problem is not my bedroom, I can sleep in it during the day, but I'd like to beat this and move on. I can say that my biggest desire is to have a good night of sleep on my own, in my bedroom.
However, my father said something that helped me for a while:
You have to be afraid of who's alive, they can really harm you, ghosts can't. Hope it helps someone...

67 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-30 01:39 ID:PrePj3Ld

I have experienced this problem before and I can wholeheartedly recommend the method of NOT SLEEPING. We are very pleased with the business relationship we share with NOT SLEEPING. We have found NOT SLEEPING to be dependable, friendly and open to our needs, since we are a new sleeper that recently opened in the scary area. NOT SLEEPING's attention to detail and willingness to listen to our needs is extremely important to our business, and we are very satisfied with the services that NOT SLEEPING has offered to us in the past months. We will enjoy NOT SLEEPING for years to come. We recommend NOT SLEEPING to any business that is looking for a dependable billing service.

68 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-01 01:43 ID:nN4mKxKM

Enterprise NOT SLEEPING offer 2.u
come see What we have in Store!!!

69 Name: young bebe : 2012-05-07 01:59 ID:z8iJjPSs

ha ha haaaaaaaa im 14 and i can your a big BABY ^^waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

70 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-26 03:51 ID:toXnj/pG

I just found this post and would like to let you know that I have the exact same problem! I developed it from a very young age and have always been afraid when falling asleep because that is when I am vulnerable, off-gaurd, unaware, and out of control. I've always found ways to escape my fear by sleeping with my parents when I was younger and now always, always sleeping with my sibling. My family often makes fun of me, but that is what has caused me to be too embarrassed to solve the issue. During the day, I am not as afraid to sleep because I feel as if the entire world is up and I am less vulnerable. However, at night, my greatest fears feel as if they become a possibility in my mind. Some people are afraid of burglars, yet they go to bed every night knowing and trusting that they are safe. However, when it is dark and I am trying to go to bed, I feel as though my fears seem as if they are a reality and can at any moment happen. I am always on guard and jump at the slightest noise! I even spend like 20 minutes checking my room before I go to bed because I am so anxious that someone might just be hiding in there. Everytime I tell myself, "no, this is crazy", I think of the movie characters that thought that too when someone really was there. I really want to solve this problem, but I struggle with feeling safe. Though I live in the safest neighborhood, a safe, secured house, and have a great family, I constantly fear danger at night. Anyway, I am here for some support and if any of you others who struggle with the same thing would like to email me, let me know in a post below!

71 Name: Screwed Up : 2012-05-26 06:10 ID:Hkzq+GVi

I can't believe I'm not the only one with this problem. It's like I see the fucking grudge girl at the edge of my eye sometimes. I'm twelve and I've been having this problem for a couple years. It's evolved to the point where I get so god damn scared I sprint to go sleep with my fucking mom. I've seen so many fucking horror movies I feel I will NEVER get over this. Does ANYONE have a good solution? And no "stop being a pussy" isn't a fucking solution, this isn't funny. This is torment. Find me at It's an old email so I don't care if I get spam or anything, but please don't. Any advice would really be helpful.

72 Name: Screwed Up : 2012-05-26 06:10 ID:Hkzq+GVi

I can't believe I'm not the only one with this problem. It's like I see the fucking grudge girl at the edge of my eye sometimes. I'm twelve and I've been having this problem for a couple years. It's evolved to the point where I get so god damn scared I sprint to go sleep with my fucking mom. I've seen so many fucking horror movies I feel I will NEVER get over this. Does ANYONE have a good solution? And no "stop being a pussy" isn't a fucking solution, this isn't funny. This is torment. Find me at It's an old email so I don't care if I get spam or anything, but please don't. Any advice would really be helpful.

73 Name: So much worse... : 2012-06-08 05:40 ID:PbkeIOjE

I have the same problem... Music makes me think I can't hear the danger. A TV would make me even more scared. Dolls or toys might come alive and attack me. I have a whole wall of closets facing me. I'm afraid something might come out of them. I have fears no matter what... It's not the dark, it's just being alone. Sometimes I can't even take a shower because I'm so scared.

74 Name: ace : 2012-06-10 16:18 ID:l1GpiX1m

if you're horny you won't get scared... just look at smut magazines all the time. your head is pre-occupied and horny to even bother of becoming scared.

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