I have this really uncaring lady that is my personal supervisor of my school-work in my homeschool. We used to meet once a month, to go over what I had done and all.
From how I've seen her treat her husband on the phone, and other people, she is a real B*TCH. Everything about her is just that way.
She is a very negative person, and tends to be the type of person who intently looks for something bad about someone new she meets, until she finds something (no matter how small) and then is dedicated to doing something to that person.
Well as her "student" (even though she doesn't teach me I am set as her student she supervises) I have issues with her school-related, and ever since I got a C I think, she has started getting an attitude with me. And it's gotten worse. She signed me up for this really odd online school that was in BETA TESTING (who the hell sends a kid to a beta online school that could glitch and crap, and base their future upon!?)
Anyways, it didn't go well, and I swear there were programming errors, because I was getting awful grades for things I had never even got a B- or a C in!! So ever since then she has been hellbent on trying to find a way to kick me out of the school because somehow she is complaining about me effecting her job now, and she is losing money because now I have a "learning dissability" (yea right) and she will call us or when we go the meeting she will just babel on and on and on and on and on!! In her rude sarcasm, and biotchy-ness, assuming all these bad things about me and everything, she even told me I'm a problem for her and stuff. There is SOO much more to it than that, but she is just a SUPREME B*TCH about everything.
Here's the thing though:
I've never done anything but be a normal decent student here, like I always have been.
She has put me through so much stress in the past, getting my books late and making me do MONTHS worth in ONE month. And other things...it's been awful. She'll tell my mom bad things about me, trying to make her think that I am a bad student and everything (of course she doesn't believe her she knows me).
So the problem now, is, my supervisor changed our meeting to once a week, and put about a month's or MORE work-load on me, with the threat of getting kicked out. (there is alot to explain, but let me say I can't afford to get kicked out right now)
I am currently in the process of being enrolled into another school that is SOOOOOO MUCH NICER than Horizon, and the people are wonderful, it's like an Oasis in the desert! But the deadline for them to call me to let me know if I made the enrollment or not almost completely matches up with the time I meet my supervisor next which means a possibility of something bad happening when I meet her, since I have been unable to do so much rediculous amounts of work in 6 days, and I have to meet her on Tuesday. So I could possibly get kicked out at the same time of enrollment lol, or I could not get enrolled and get kicked out, or there will be some sort of fight or something, or she'll come up with something worse or something.
I am reallllllllllllly nervous about this, and I can't afford not to get accepted into my new school. I am stressing really bad about this, and it's consumed me the last 2 days. I haven't slept well, ate much, or anything. It's bothered me really badly. I can't decide whether I should attempt to become a machine and attempt the workload, or just say screw it because it's crazy in the first place. My mom is kinda in the middle and doesn't realize how much work is really there, and kinda expects me to do it...
I'm just afraid of the possibility of losing both schools (one would be for no reason, thanks to SUPERB*TCH) and also having mom angry at me for all of it happening....
Does it make sense I am worried? I need some advice...I don't know what to do at this point...
Thanks to all who read.
Well,... There are several things to consider:
Good luck
I strongly suggest talking further with your mother about the problems you are having with the supervisor and how the whole situation is having adverse affects on your wellbeing. Your mother probably just doesn't realise it's quite so bad, so by coming out and telling her everything you honestly feel she will try to do everything she can to help.
I also strongly concur with what >>2 suggests
Please don't let yourself get too stressed out about this, do what you feel you can without running yourself into the ground
This woman is a professional no? Complain, complain and complain
You should write down the things she's said and done with dates etc if you can, and report her to whatever organization is employing her. I wouldn't want to be paying a woman to help kids learn if she's not doing her job, I'm sure her employer would like to know.
Even if you aren't staying with that school, report her because she probably acts with the same sub-par professionalism with other students.
Thank you everyone for your support!
The day after I posted, I got a call from my new school!
I am now enrolled, and have already had a better time.
They are so much more wonderful than my last experience! I am so happy where I am now, and finally have a better outlook on graduating and everything in general!
We are going to report to the school to let them know who exactly is working for her.
I ended up finding out that all together she gave me 131 pages of reading and study, and 24 tests to do in 4 days!! (in 11th grade! using a college lvl book!)
Thanks again for all the support, I really appreciate it!
I took alot of your guy's advice and it really came out well after talking with my mother. It was difficult at first, because the evil supervisor kind of had her under her thumb a bit. But in the end it all came out so well!
I was so lucky, and you guys gave me so much courage!
Thank you!!!
>>5 I realize your main issue is over and all, but I wanted to inform you that if you think 131 pages is bad, college will kill you.