I don't like people. (66)

34 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-10 14:35 ID:wo/Bz9WR

I wonder how much time you spent drawing that conclusion

Your rant is kind of pointless, your arguments actually support my point. You said, being unable to relate to somebody come from people being different to the point where there is not enough shared understanding, common ground, etc.

YES, THAT IS MENTAL INFLEXIBILITY. Your freedom to cope is limited by your ability to understand or relate to another individual. There are bouts of people I have nothing in common with at all, but I can still understand them and appriciate them in their own light. After all, I know we have just lived different lifes, and in the end, I could have been just like them, or they could have been just like me. I can understand how our different lifes have affected us differently to become different people. In doing so I overbridge the varying nuances of our personalities and can relate to them on a much more basic level. In the end we are all humans. In the long run, this helps me to understand them from another point of view except my own. That is flexibility.

And I very much believe it is true, in every single case without exception, that people are entirely determined by their backgrounds, but also their surroundings and current situation. Every choice we ever make relate to what we know, what we have learned, how we have been taught to see things and handle things. And everything we have ever come into contact with has its own part in shaping our personality. The different choices we may pull out are decided according to how we are, and the one we finally go with is determined by the situation.

We may think that we have freedom of choice, but it all lies in perception.

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