I don't like people. (66)

46 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-12 00:36 ID:4oueMOpv

Have you ever think that the boring one might be you? Pretend you are someone else, who sees "you" from the other side of the corridor. Now... it's that "you" interesting enough to make you want to talk to him? Or does he look like another kind of shallow person (the bitter kind of shallow person)? What do you think of that "you"? Would you like to be his friend? Would you like to endure his bitterness and his complains about how bored he is?

You see, it's easy to complain about other people. The others are boring, the others don't think, the others are shallow. But what about you? You are probably exactly the same as them. And probably there is another bitter person near you that thinks exactly the same about you.

What i think you should do about it... is to forget about how stupid people might be. Their intellectual only changes the way they think, not their personality. One person can be the stupidest person in the world, yet be the best loving friend you'll ever have. If you think the contrary, then you just prove how shallow you really are, because you don't care about the person, but rather their intelligence and how they might entertain you with their knowledge and interesting discussions.
For example... you are incapable of thinking that someone with dawn syndrome might be your best friend just because that person is "stupid" and "uninteresting"? If you say yes to this, then you are a disgusting piece of shit. Yet, i hope one day you'll grow up and realize what's truly important in a person.

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